You're Not Alone

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She felt like she had just been thrown into a whirlwind, a spinning tornado that sent her into an alternate universe, one where everything was completely different. Not just different, but odd. In Storybrooke, more people seemed to communicate on their cellphones rather than speak to others face to face. Fashion was a critical thing too- apparently, it determined if one was considered popular or not.

"Why can't I just wear this?" Tinkerbell asked in an annoyed sigh, as Emma continued to pull out clothes from her closet and set them on her bed.

"Because, this is Storybrooke, and people aren't really used to fairies who wear green sparkly dresses- don't get me wrong, it's a nice dress, just not socially acceptable."

Tinkerbell gave her a disheartened look. She was beginning to rethink staying there for such a long time.

"Now, I'm more of a comfy shirt and jeans kind of girl, but I think this will look really good on you." Emma said, holding up a silver long sleeved shirt with beading across the middle.

"Are you sure I can just borrow this from you?" She asked warily, taking the shirt from her and properly examining it.

Emma shrugged. "Sure, why not. Mary Margret and I share clothes all the time, and when I'm feeling sexy I borrow Ruby's. We all just share each other's clothes. No big deal."

Tink couldn't believe Regina was even friends with Ruby- she didn't know her very well, but just from the experiences at the hospital, she knew she was spastic and flighty, two words she would use to describe the exact opposite of Regina Mills.

"You should let your hair down, too." Emma added, gesturing towards her blonde bun, flicking her wrist to release a small cloud of purple smoke. The fairy almost jumped in surprise when Emma turned her around so she was facing the mirror that was on the back of her bedroom door. Her hair was settled a couple of inches past her shoulders, in soft curls that framed her blue eyes.

"See, you look amazing," Emma remarked, feeling substantially proud of herself, "Neal will be speechless when he sees you here in about thirty minutes."

Raising her eyebrow, Tinkerbell turned back around to face the savior. "So you want Neal and I to hit it off? You seem so excited to have someone want to spend time with him that isn't your son- and it's just coffee, not an actual date. I hope you realize that."

Emma let her shoulders fall slightly, her bright and sunny attitude fading. "Yeah, honestly I do. I know it's been hard for him to see Killian and I together, and I had no intention of getting together with him just to make Neal mad. I loved him once, and I'll always love him- I just can't love him the way I used to, not with everything that happened between us. It's hard for him to see most everyone in this town already have someone in their life. Henry's been trying to find him someone because he loves him, and wants to see him happy again. Neal keeps on telling him that he makes him happy, but he won't settle for that. He deserves a happy ending, just like all the rest of us. I'm not saying that I'm forcing you to love him, but just give him a chance."

Tinkerbell was quite taken aback by how strongly she defended him- he had broken her heart, left her with a child... Part of it didn't seem right. She was happy for Emma, and how she found the pirate and accepted him in her life, but she was right, leaving Neal in the dust was more than unfair.

"So," the fairy began, honestly nervous to see what Emma's reaction would be to what she had to say, "how do you think things between you and Killian will change in the future?"

The question made the savior furrow her brow- she was never good at being extremely open with people. The future was a terrifying thing to think about; Emma was more into living in the moment and going from there.

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