More Than Enough

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Her phone buzzed in her pocket. At first, Regina didn't know why it would do such a thing; she never really used her cellphone for much. She pulled it out and looked at the screen, smiling when she saw it was a text from Snow.

Try apple cider vinegar and honey to help with the morning sickness.

Regina then put her phone down and started for the kitchen, rummaging though her fridge for the bottle of cider she was sure was still in there. Thankfully, Will hasn't gotten to the far back end of the refrigerator. Regina poured herself a glass and drank it down.

Thank you Snow- I've been trying to find something other than tea to help.

The boys had returned sweaty and exhausted from spending hours on end at the park, making for a very relaxing day at the house. Will was on the couch watching some show with Roland and Henry snuggled up beside him. She thought it was amazing how quickly they both got used to him being there.

Hey, you wanna go with me to my yoga class?

Regina just about burst out laughing when she saw that text.

I think I'm good- how about you come over and give me more good advice?

Snow's response was almost immediate.

On my way! I was totally kidding about the yoga by the way. I figured there must be some way to get you to invite me over sooner or later.

Rolling her eyes, Regina went and sat on the couch next to her kids.

"What are you watching?" She asked, scowling when she noticed Roland's face looking utterly mortified.

"Walking Dead," Will replied, smiling smugly.

Regina's mouth opened slightly in disgust as she watched bloody zombies walk and stumble around on the screen.

"Absolutely not; that's disgusting!" She hissed, grabbing for the remote. Will had a firm grip on it, but Regina got it from him eventually.

"I won't have you watching these kinds of shows around my kids," she muttered, "zombies aren't real anyways."

Roland looked up at her. "Are you sure?"

She was sure to send Will a fury filled glance. "I'm very sure. You can let go of Will's hand now."

Reluctantly, Roland did.

"So what about that vampire show you watch? Those aren't real either." Will taunted, watching her face redden.

"It's a good show, okay? And that's beside the point- Snow is coming over soon, and I don't want her thinking we live in a rule free household."

Henry gave his mother a look. "Then what should we watch?"

Regina knew he and Roland were both tired; so was she quite honestly. "How about you let Roland pick out one of our Disney movies?"

He nodded, and got off from the couch to begin filing through their stack of movies, ones that he had watched ever since he was Roland's age. Soon, about ten of them were splayed out on the carpet floor. Roland was carefully examining them all, trying to decide which one he wanted to watch.

"This one!" He smiled, picking up The Lion King from the pile. Henry put it in the DVD player, and squeezed back into his spot between his mother and Will.

It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door, and Snow White's voice carried though the hallway. She and Emma came into the living room.

"You tricked me," Regina muttered as she and the blonde took a seat on the floor.

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