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Nobody heard him slip through the door a little after three. Roland and Alex were still upstairs, watching an episode of Justice League last time Regina checked. She was busy cleaning up the neglected dishes in the kitchen.

"Hi Henry, how was school?" She asked, giving him a sideways smile before dipping her hands into a mountain of soapy water.

The twelve year old headed for the couch immediately, replying with a simple shrug of the shoulders.

"Oh come on, you have to give me more than that," Regina said, rolling her eyes, "did you learn anything interesting at least?"

The tv was soon turned on response. "Not really mom, it's just school." Henry told her, looking wiped out as he rested his head against the couch.

Regina decided to let him have his free time. She turned her attention back to the methodical routine of washing and scrubbing dishes, the soap up to her arms. While others found the task grueling and time consuming, she enjoyed it- sometimes it was nice to get away from all the things that weighed her down. Regina slowly hummed to herself as the sounds from the television brushed past her.

Once she finished up in the kitchen, Regina announced she was going to check up on the boys again. Just as she was going up the stairs, a half asleep Will was coming down, still in his bathrobe.

"Oh, we're not finished about this morning," she muttered as he passed her. She could almost see his eyes widen with fear from behind.

Will yawned as he made his way into the living room, plopping down next to Henry on the couch.

"What're we watching?" He asked, noticing how high volume was.

Henry shrugged again for his response. Will turned to face him, a quizzical look on his face.

"Hey, what's up? I haven't heard much from you lately."

Scowling, Henry turned his attention down to his hands.

"You can tell me anything, you know I won't tell your mom if you don't want me to." He pressed gently, knowing just how to open him up.

To his surprise, that was all it took for the twelve year old to burst into tears. Will had seldom seen Henry cry; he was always such a quiet kid. But here he was next to him, tears sliding down his face and his body shaking with sobs.

"I'm here, you can tell me anything."

He sniffed, trying to contain his emotions. "S- some people at school started to call Roland a bastard..." Henry muttered, letting his head fall into his hands. "I don't even know what a bastard is!"

Will seemed perplexed as he watched him cry. "Well that's not important," he began, "I just need to teach you how to fight. Then when you see those guys again, you can give them a-"

"No!" Henry shouted, glaring towards him, "don't you get it? I don't want to be like you! I just want a normal life, where people don't think my mom is evil and my brother is stupid!"

"Normal lives are overrated, Henry!" Will shot back, "life wouldn't nearly be as interesting as it is now."

"Why do you even live here?!" He shouted, "you don't care about my dad! He's gone and you haven't tried at all to help him!"

"Hey, there's nothing I can do!" Will said defensively, his voice rising, "without me your mother would be alone!"

And probably dead.

With a frustrated cry, Henry shot up off the couch and took off in a fury. Will followed him, but he was too late from stopping the boy from reaching up on the top shelf of their bookshelf, snatching the mirror in his hands and throwing it onto the ground. It shattered into a million pieces onto the hardwood floor.

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