Katherine, who looked like she might actually commit murder turned to Anna, and tried to get her to speak. Eventually she gave up and coaxed her away, presumably to the car.

Jane knew she needed to find Catherine, but first she needed to have a little chat with someone.

She stormed over, in a blind rage, and shoved the girl who said those dreadful things about Mary down, hard.

"Ow! What's your problem bitch?!"

"My problem? Oh you don't need to worry about my problem, you better worry about your own, because you just gave yourself a big one. Me. Now normally I wouldn't be here, ready to beat the living shit out of you, but normally some trashy bitch didn't just make my girlfriend burst into tears. I don't care, whether or not I hurt you, because guess what? You fucked up the moment you upset my girlfriend, now let me make this painfully clear to you, if I ever see your face again I will personally make sure you need plastic surgery to ever get a date again. Are we clear?"

The girl opened her mouth and closed it again.

"Are. We. Clear?"


"Get out of my sight."

The girl was helped up by her friends, who all looked at Jane with fear in their eyes, and no doubt left to report her to security.

She'd probably pay for that later. (Most likely on Twitter, so she'll have to lock her account.) But right now, she needed to find Catherine. Jane looked around, trying to remember which direction Catherine ran. Finally recognizing one of the stores, Jane quickly set off to find Catherine, calling her name.

Finally Jane reached the bathrooms. When she got about 3 feet away from the door she could hear Catherine's sobs through it. Jane pushed the door open to reveal her lover, on the floor, curled into herself, absolutely broken.

Jane had to push down the urge to find that girl again and maybe do a lot more than just insult her. Just a few broken bones, just one - focus.

"Oh baby." Jane sighed, hating seeing her normally confident girlfriend so destroyed.

Catherine looked up at Jane, still crying, and opened her mouth to speak. But the moment she did, she began to sob even harder. Jane rushed over to her, and instantly wrapped her arms around her. She rubbed Catherine's back soothingly, whispering comforting words in her ear.

Once Catherine's sobs died down enough for her to speak, she asked "Is it really my fault she did that?"

Jane stared in shock at her words, how could she possibly think that it was her fault?

Maybe a rib or two.

"No, baby. It wasn't your fault. Those people were wrong alright?"

Catherine didn't look all too sure, but nodded her head anyways. Catherine's brows furrowed.

"Why do you look like you've been in a fight?"

"I may or may not have, but definitely did, attack that girl."

"Oh my god! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but I'm pretty sure I've been reported to the security people."

Catherine smiled, and Jane mentally cheered at the sight of it.

"Come on, let's go home and watch t.v. Okay?"

"Okay." Catherine whispered.

Jane helped her up, and put her arms around Catherine's waist. Catherine remained curled into Jane's side all the way to the car, where Kat and Anna were waiting.

Six: The Musical - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now