At the same time, Karla -one of the triplets- was walking down the stairs. She beamed once she saw August and immediately went to hug him. 

"Daddy ! I missed you ! How was your trip ? " She asked after they pulled away. 

"I missed ya too ! It was good, but I prefer to be here with y'all. So, how's daddy's love ? I'm sorry I couldn't be here to encourage ya during your game." He apologized pouting. His daughter wasn't mad at him though. She totally understood why he had not been able to be there, she knew exactly that he was cheering for her even if he wasn't at home. 

Karla Perla Alsina aka superwoman or simply K. Ten years old, the young girl was an energic human being. She played soccer since she could walk and was the captain of her team. But she also had a calm side, mainly when she was playing piano. Contrary to her two others sisters, Karla wasn't girly. She preferred to hang out with boys and to wear pants, basketball shorts and large t-shirts. And her curly hair was always pulled into a high ponytail.

"I'm great ! And don't worry, you're always at my games, so it's not a big deal if you missed one or two."

"Did ya win ? " He asked looking at her.

She rolled her eyes playfully, "Of course ! The score was 15-07. I scored six goals. Oh ! Mummy recorded if you want to see it."

Aug smiled proudly as they did a high five, "That's my girl ! I'm so proud of ya, keep going like that."

She nodded her head as her two brothers arrived from upstairs with June behind them, "Hey dad ! " They greeted him in unison. They dapped each other and he then kissed their forehead.

"How are ya, boys ? " Aug asked and they gave a thumbs up.

"We're fine. And you ? We listened to your interview with Ms.Sparkles." Melvin said smiling.

Trayvon and Samuel Alsina aka Tray and Sam. The two boys were as sportive as their sister. Trayvon played soccer also and was the captain of his own team. On the other hand, Samuel was into basketball instead, mainly because he wanted to be like his older brother Melvin, who he considered as his best friend and was his role model. Both had never been scared to speak out their mind. 

The triplets didn't look alike. Well, it did seem like it, because of their personalities. Though Trayvon had hazel eyes, Samuel's were brown and Karla's green. Each one was a different mix of August and Kim's character. By the way, they argued a lot. That was their way to show love to each other.  

"Coo. I'm fine too. A lil tired 'cause of the travel."

"Wassup dad ? " The twins joined the conversation.

Melvin Travis and Marvin Jamal Alsina aka big heads or lil heads or double M too. They looked the same, so to recognize them you had to see their eyes first and plus Melvin has braids. But they didn't behave like the other. Melvin was the outgoing child, while Marvin was more shy and comfortable in his own world with his books. But it didn't prevent them to be really close. Most of the time, they didn't have to communicate verbally to understand each other. 

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