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Liam's POV

After we finally got Ryder to calm down he all but passed out like he normally did after one of these episodes. Callum was caught in the crossfire of all of this and was currently trapped under Ryder's head and would most likely be there for the rest of the day even if he did wake up.

Jax followed their lead after his shower but his nap didn't seem as peaceful as theirs. The few times I watched Jax sleep, he slept motionless as if he were dead, the only way you could tell he was still alive was the slow rising and falling of his chest.

But this time was much different. His face twitched as of he was in pain and his breath came out in pants instead of the peaceful breaths he usually had.

For a while I thought about waking him up but I didn't know the consequences. If he was anything like Ryder waking him up while he was having a nightmare was a big no, it was as if he didn't know he was awake yet and would start acting out the dream he was having.

If Jax was anything like that I know I wouldn't be able to contain him by myself, I honestly doubt I could contain him even with Callum's help.

So with nothing else to do I decided waiting would be the best option.

Lucky for me I didn't have to wait for long. A few minutes later he woke up with a very confused look on his face but he didn't let it stay there for long before he covered it up.

"Have a good nap?" I asked, as I looked down at the book that had been balancing on my lap all morning but I had yet to read a word of it.

"Yea," he said breathlessly. "It was great." He looked back over to Ryder and Callum who didn't know anything in this world was happening.

"How was he?" He asked while nodding over to Ryder with a concerned look on his face.

"He's went to sleep when you were in the shower and has been asleep ever since then. He'll probably be asleep for the rest of the day and most of the night. If he wakes up though you better get ready for us to watch Love, Simon again." He groans at the last part and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"And you're sure we can't get him to watch literally anything else?" He asked as he forced himself to sit up straight in the bed.

"Callum and I can't but you might have a better chance at it. Tell him you want to watch something and I'm sure he'll let you watch it."

"Then we'll just hope he stays asleep all day." We both went quiet after that until I heard Jax's stomach rumbling from across the room.

My head snaps over to his just in time to see him trying to hide the red crawling up his cheeks.

"You are aware that we could go get breakfast right? We don't just have to sit here all day."

"Shut up," he grumbled as he got out of bed and started making his way to the door.

"That's a really good outfit to go to breakfast with," I teased as I got out of bed as well.

Just as Jax's hand made contact with the door handle he looked down at himself to see what his was wearing which happened to only be a pair of basketball shorts.

A small huff came from Jax as he crossed the room and opened my dresser and pulled out a random shirt before pulling it over his head. It was of course too tight on him but I didn't really care considering his muscles were quite literally popping out of the shirt.

"That better," he asked as he walked back over to the door and slipped on a pair of Callum's flip flops that were actually a bit big on him.

"I mean I wasn't exactly complaining before but sure that's better," I tease hoping to see another blush but it didn't seem like Jax was going to slip up twice in one day.

He simply mumbled a shut up before he was out the door again.

Since breakfast was almost over the line was pretty much non-existent we were able to a get through quickly but much to my dismay Jax made a beeline for the table his friends were still sitting even though their treys were empty.

"I didn't think you would ever show up," Kyle had mumbled. "What happened? Morning hook up?" He asked while nodding the clothes that clearly weren't Jax's.

"I would ask you the same thing but considering you and Kellan are having issues I'll have to assume you look like shit for some other reason." I hadn't really noticed until now that Kellan wasn't even here. I couldn't help but try to hide my smirk and try not to laugh. Boyd on the other hand looked like he was ready to bolt at any given second if a fight broke out.

"You would know since you're constantly in the middle of boy issues."

I half expected a big fight to break out at the insinuation of Jax having guy problems but it didn't seem like Jax was completely here today.

Kyle's reply was left no remark from anyone, which dropped the conversation entirely.

Jax and I ate in silence while both of his friends sat there in an awkward silence.

"So where are the other two?" Kyle asked after a while. His tone was innocent but there was an undertone of something else that I didn't appreciate.

"They slept in." Jax said as if it wasn't a total lie. "Callum had a headache."

"I'm sure he did." Kyle said sarcastically as he eye roll.

"You know what?" Jax asked as he stood up from the table with his trey in hand, "I think I'll go eat this in cabin. At least there I don't have to pretend to be friends with someone who is so fucking negative about everything just because he and his boyfriend are realizing that relationships are a lot harder than they thought it was going to be." With that he simply turned around and left without another word.

Kyle looked taken aback while Boyd sat there.

Just as I was about to stand up and follow him out Kyle's voice stopped me.

"I don't know what you are doing to my friend but you need to stop. He wasn't like this before he came here and I want my best friend back."

"Maybe he's just realized that there are better people to be friends with than egotistical assholes who only care about themselves. Ever thought about that?" I asked and without waiting for an answer I stood up and left.

So here's the thing, I have a challenge for all of you who are good at making covers.

I have been looking for some to make me a new cover for this story for a while now and so far every person i have found has fell through in way or another so I thought I would ask all of you for help instead.

If you are good at making covers DM me here on wattpad for details. If someone you know is good at covers tag them in the comments to see if they are intrested. If you are here because someone tagged you DM me for details if you are interested.

I would like to have submissions in by next week but I will announce an official deadline closer to time on my conversations page, so make sure to check back there every now and then.

I will be giving full credit to the person who made the cover in the description. I am willing to promote your profile or a story you have in one of my chapters and on my conversations page.

A contest of sorts will occur on the next chapter of this story where readers will vote for the cover they like the most.

Thank you to everyone who participates! I can't wait to see what you all come up with!

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