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Liam's POV

Jax's lips were softer than I thought they were going to be. They were also more gentle and sweet and the kiss itself was shy.

I always thought my first kiss with Jax would be rough and angry but I couldn't be anymore wrong about this and for once I was glad I was wrong.

Of course the bliss was long gone.

That kiss had happened several hours ago and now Jax looked like he regretted everything. Not to mention the matter at hand.

When I pulled back from Jax the second time there were tears in his eyes. In that one moment, his guard was truly down.

I've only seen Jax like this a few times but every time I see it part of me wants to break down with him but this time was much worse than any of the other times.

He backed away, stammering apologies while he tried to keep a blush from crawling up his face and keeping tears from pouring down his face. He backed up in the direction of the shower, probably hoping to have his break down in there again, but before he made it all the way there, Callum came up behind him.

Jax jumped when he felt Callum and was about to turn to face him when Callum slowly wrapped his arms around Jax, giving him plenty of time to break free or yell stop, but it never happened.

Jax only began to shake while Callum whispered into his ear.

Seeing Jax in Callum's arms made me realize how small Jax really was now.

When he first got here, Jax and Callum were only a few pounds off from each other; now Jax was more on weight limit.

Without being able to help myself I come to stand in front of Jax just to see how he reacts. At first he doesn't realize I'm there, but when he does he only shakes more.

From here I can see a few tears have escaped from his eyes.

I step a bit closer and slowly put my arms loosely around Callum's, hovering my head above his chest.

The second my head touched his chest he was done holding back. Tears sprang freely from his eyes as he silently sobbed into my hair. The shaking had only gotten worse until Callum applied more pressure to his hug.

Even that was a while ago.

Now we sat on Jax's bed like always. Callum on one said, me on the other, Jax in the middle.

It blew my mind how he was allowing this. Even a few days ago this seemed like an impossible accomplishment.

Jax had almost completely calmed down at his point. Callum had been playing with his hair and I drew random things on his arm while Jax played with a new toy.

I pieced together that he must have found Andrew before he left and I'm glad he did. This whole thing would be probably be a lot worse if he didn't.

"Are you calmed down enough to talk to us?" Callum asked; his hand still buried in Jax's hair.

The shaking picked back up at the question, which only made Callum hug him harder.

"We have to talk about it eventually," I chime in.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled again.

So far that's all we've gotten out of him since he got back.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for but we still need to talk. Callum and I are serious, we aren't going to let you push away anymore."

"I didn't want to hit him," Jax mumbled, catching Callum's attention quickly.

"We're just going to have to be more careful, but in order to do that we need to know a few things."

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