Ch - 17 "Mother's Day"

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My heart was beating very fast, after don't knowing for a long time I felt fear. 

My hands started to sweat. I just hope she is alright. What if the lie I told her yesterday about Lacey being my girlfriend, affected her badly? Damn I shouldn't have done that.

The lift opened and I ran straight to her office. There she was sitting at her chair, she was engrossed in some deep thought that she didn't notice Me or that girl. 

I felt my heart and body calmed just looking at her safely. But she was still in her yesterday's clothes. 

The girl ran to her and hugged her tightly making her shocked. "Oh God Angel, have you any idea how scared I was? So many bad thoughts were running in my mind that something had happened to you, why didn't you come home yesterday? What happened?" 

"I..I was working, yes I had so much work to do, so I slept here last night" she said biting her lip and looking down. 

She is lying, there wasn't much work yesterday, then why didn't she go home? 

"What? and you didn't find it important to tell me about this? And even your phone was off" The girl asked. 

"I'm sorry Kate, actually my.. my charger wasn't with me and my phone was dead" she lied again, I remember I saw her phone in charging yesterday. 

"Kate, Uhm I'm sorry if I scared you but you should go, you are getting late for your work" Why is she behaving like a dead robot. There was no emotion in her eyes. 

"God, I know there is something and I also know that you wouldn't tell me until you are willing to, so I won't force you, okay I'll see you at home today, I'm so thankful that you are a fine Angel" Kate said and went out ignoring me completely. Wow nice.

"You slept in here last night, without my permission, do you know this can cost you your job" I yelled at her. Why am I yelling at her? 

Is it because she spent a night here without my permission or she made me worried about her? No I am angry because she broke the rules here, yes, I wasn't worried about her. 

Yeah, yeah that's why you came running here to check for her. 

I completely and utterly ignored my subconscious voice. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that, it will never happen again sir" she said looking down. 

Why isn't she answering me like before? Why does she behave like a defeated person? 

Didn't you want the same? 

Damn this voice, yes I wanted this, but I didn't think that she would behave like this. 

"Sir, if you don't mind I need a leave for today" she said still with her head down. Damn why can't she talk to me like before, whatever I said to her she never bow her head before. 

"And why would you need a leave? After breaking the rules here, you expect me to grant you a leave" I said angrily. 

"I said already, that I didn't know about that, and I need this leave, I want to spend this whole day with someone very special in my life because it's mother's Day, and I'll mail you my leave application letter" she said before leaving. 

I stood still after she left, someone very special.

Someone very important in her life. Who that might be, she said because it is mother's Day. Her mother must be in Paris then who?

Suddenly the bell rang in my head. Her daughter or son, yes she wants to spend this day with her child.

The thought itself generates a fire in my heart. Every cell in my body was worried about her, now they are hating her from the core. 

I fisted my hand with the rage building in me. It is the reminder of how she betrayed me. Damn, how could I be worried about her a moment ago, she is nothing but a lying wench. 

I hate her, I hate her so much. She will pay for every pain she inflicted in me, every hurt she gave to my heart. 

You will pay Angel Hughes, just you wait and watch, I'll make you pay for everything.

With that thought I marched to my office and engrossed myself in work, just so I can distract my mind before I go behind her and kill that bastard of her boyfriend. 

Just today angel, just today, next time I'll never give you any leave for spending time with your lover and his child. 









Author's Note

Hope you guys like this chapter.

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