Q drove me home to James' house. The smell of roasted chicken hit me in the face as I opened the door to my home. I was greeted in the arms of my annoying sister and it hit me again in the heart. My face was wet with tears again and I wouldn't let her go. 

"Harry?" Daphne rubbed my back as I sobbed into her hair. "Hey," she pulled back and grabbed my shoulders.

I wiped my face off with my sleeve and gave her a fake grin and she returned it with one of her own. I had missed her quirky sense of humor and her tender love of our family. She pulled me by my hand upstairs to her room and I sat down on her bed and told her about everything in London, from being on the singing show to what I was doing now and who I was staying with. 

"Are you happy, Harry?" she asked me as I sat back on her pillows. 

"I'm happy, yeah. I just miss things, I think," I picked at my nails.

"You miss me?" she smiled and I laughed with amusement. 

"Of course," I threw a pillow at her.

"You miss Charles?" 

"Yeah," I rolled my eyes. He'd been pissing me off lately, but I didn't want to get into that.

"And you miss Callie," she stated and frowned. My eyes shot to her and I knew that's when she knew what I was crying like a child about. "I miss her too, if that helps."

"I miss her so much, Daph. It's like every time I do something, I wish I was sharing the moment with her. I met this cool girl, Jade, who I was telling you about and her daughter, Kiara, and I just wish I could tell her about them. Let her get to meet them and fall in love with their compassion like I have. But I can't. She's at NYU now and I'm in London, just like I wanted it to be. And, I think she's fallen out of love with me. I think I broke her when we broke up and I was such a dick to her. Why couldn't I of told her to go to school and we could have at least tried the long distance thing? Why did I be such a dick? Why didn't I fight for what we had?"

"Why don't you go fight for what you had? Why are we having this conversation? Why aren't you at NYU asking her to not give up on you?" she smirked back at me and my eyes lit up with excitement. She was right. Why wasn't I there? It's obvious I was still in love with her, but was she still willing to be with me? Could we still be together?

"I'll take you to the airport Friday and we'll go then. You'll go to Palm Beach and I'll go to NYU." My excitement was contagious to her and she squealed that ear aching scream that girls do when they couldn't wait for something. "That reminds me, where's Charles?" I had all these ideas floating around in my head I had forgotten about my best friend since I was a toddler.

"He's in his room with Harrison," Daphne pulled her iPhone out and began texting as I left the room and went downstairs and up another staircase to the other side of the house to talk to Charles. 

I banged on the door not wanting to walk in on the two of them and Charles opened it up wearing more clothing than I thought he would have been. 

"Hey, you're back," he gave me a hug which I returned. "What's up?"

I noticed Harrison sitting on Charles' bean bag chairs waiting to finish the video game that I interrupted. "Can I play?" I pointed to the third chair and Charles told me how much I sucked at Halo and that he was going to crush me, which he did.

I dropped some dinner off at Alaric's house and apolgized to him about the way I treated Callie. He didn't say much about it and I knew I fucked up majorly with him and lost a lot of his respect, but he was always a man I looked up to and I didn't want to lose the friendship we'd gained over the years because of what I did.

I sat and ate dinner with him and Minnie and tried to act as pleasant as I could. Alaric talked about what it was like moving Callie in and how her roommate was a print model for some company I couldn't understand the name of. But, her and Callie hit it off and they hung out at some Italian place after Alaric left. It made me smile that Callie had already made more friends. I mean, it wasn't hard for her to make friends. She was a likable girl, but me, I wasn't really likable. That's why I fucked everything up. I fucked up singing because I was unlikable. I fucked up our relationship because I was unlikable. I fucked up my friendships because I was unlikable.

That's when I decided not to go back to her. I couldn't prove that I was capable of being loved again, I couldn't let her do that. I couldn't let her be stranded without me as she went on outings with her friends and they all had dates, but her's, her date was in London pouring alcoholic's drinks and singing sad, sappy songs about the way he used to feel about a beautiful girl. Having her always wondering when the next time we'd see each other again, I couldn't do that to her. I couldn't let her deluded thoughts of me get in the way of her success. If one of us was going to do amazing things, it was going to be her. I would make it happen and sacrifice our commitment for it. 

No, that wasn't the life I was going to let her live. She was going to be happy with some boy and I was going to watch her fall in and out of love from afar, always hoping and bribing myself to get with her again and talk about us, but she wouldn't even like me then. 

"Harry?" Alaric spoke from across the table.

"Yeah?" I widened my eyes wondering what he was going to tell me.

"Thank you for apologizing. I'll tell her you did," he gave me a small smile.

"Don't bother. She doesn't need to know," I finished my plate and helped Minnie with the dishes in the kitchen.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading. This is now a complete story and will be continued on in my other story, The Unbelievable. GO HAVE A READ IF YOU WANT MORE HALLIE lolololol 

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