Chapter 76

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Callie's POV

"I'll see you in New York," Alaric kissed my cheek and I gave him a hug that squeezed my face into his chest.

"Thank you," I whispered into his chest and he kissed the top of my head again.

"You're going to be late," he laughed and I felt my tears begin to threaten their way over.

"I'll see you in New York," I let him go and stepped over to Minnie. She held me at arms length and gave me that suppressed smile that said she was proud of me and that she loved me. "Thank you for everything."

"No, thank you Callie," she hugged me tightly and I bit my bottom lip to not cry anymore. 


We hugged for a long time. Her shoulders shook and I held onto her to keep her from falling. Her mom had passed away that morning and she was getting ready to board the plane back to New Jersey, and for me, I was going back to Florida. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to come, Alex?" I asked her as she balled her eyes out again on my shoulder.

"No, you go home. Thank you Callie, I love you." 

"I love you too. Call me later," I told her and we let each other go and I grabbed her hand to tell her I meant it then I dropped it once I heard that my plane was boarding. 

"Be safe. Call us when you're home. If you need me to come down there, I will or Minnie will, just let us know," Alaric handed me my book bag full of my memories spent in Maine. 

"I will," I smiled and headed to the line to board. I looked back at my adoptive family and I don't think I've ever loved people so quickly. I mouthed 'bye' and went down the ramp and sat in my seat for the next five and a half hours.

Stefan picked me up at the airport and I sat passenger of him while we drove from the Orlando airport. The palm trees and traffic reminded me of home, but the tourists and old crowded beaches didn't. I was used to the full trees with snow covered streets. The population never getting out of control so much as to having to drive up into the median to get into the turning lane. It was only going to get worse when I moved to New York. The only trees I would see there would be the one's in the parks. 

"How's Harry?" Stefan asked as we started getting closer to our home town. 

"I don't know," I shrugged and looked out the window. "We broke up the day you asked me to come to your wedding."

"Shit," Stefan cursed and I clenched my jaw willing myself not to cry. "I'm sorry. I know you really liked him."

"Yeah, I did," I looked at him in his tank top and beach shorts driving his big huge truck. "Were you at the beach today?" 

"Yeah, I was hanging out with Jesse, his brother, and Mike."

"Wanna drop me off there?" I asked.

"You don't want to go home to see mom and dad?" Stefan quizzically looked over at me.

"Not really. I want to see Mike," I shot back a smile to lighten the mood of the car. 

"Ok we can do that. They're closer anyway," Stefan turned again and in ten minutes we were pulling into Jesse's parent's beach house.

Jesse came running out the door and I quickly wanted to cry. I had missed him more than I thought I did. I screamed when I opened the truck door and he was there lifting me out of the truck.

"I've missed you Cal!" I was in his sun tanned hug like a squished frog, oozing out of all the opening.

"You're smothering me man!" I laughed not being able to breathe.

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