Hello, Mary

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Hello Mary
Do you remember the day?
In a long lost world, far away
A door swung open and in you came
In a land of light there was a flame
Just a baby in her arms
You radiate your infant charms
My little sister to cherish so
To protect you from this world I know
Like a blur the time flew by
You grew up right before my eyes
Trials came and with it night
We lived on through the bark and bite
Distance dawned, we grew apart
Suprised at how you got so smart
Now in my dreams of late ive seen
The sunlight in my vision keen
The world around was all aglow
Gathered near were all you know
Tears in my eyes, to you I spoke
I pondered right before I woke
At your wedding I vowed to you
I had to write this poem too
Say that I just love you so
That man beside you has to know
It's his turn now to take you in
Our small family is now his kin
I wish to you my little sis
A life of happiness and bliss

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