Potato Tree

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Once there lived a tree
That gave away its bounty for free
It reached up to the sky
The ancient stories never lie

It would grow every day
The ancient townsfolk say
It's roots grew through stone
Although it was all alone

Yet this tree was special
It grew a delicate vegetable
Potatoes of tremendous size
More than any coin can buy

They defied the planets rules
Mysterious natural jewels
Everyone held them dearly
The whole world fed yearly

Until one day the tree fell
Why, no one could ever tell
Maybe it was the loneliness
A slowly growing emptiness

All it's potatoes it gave
Until it met an early grave
All the people took it for granted
Not even one potato planted

That's why I will plant a tree
A potato tree for her to see
One for my love, one for me
So no one will have to be lonely

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