Missing Mistress

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I think of you like a lover
Never lost to the wind
Still, you are gone from me
This I did not intend
I meant to bring love's gifts
Its soft secure grasp
But instead a falsehood
A house fated to collapse

Perhaps the days end will bring with it comfort
A knowing that you're somewhere in slumber
Your soul resting with worry tucked away
Stress unencumbered

Perhaps you'll dream a dream of me
The stars and moon too dark for us to see
Maybe our dreamlands are one and the same
Each night a different setting, a different name
Though our souls remain

I cannot imagine the strength I'll have to possess
To endure this pressing loneliness
Each day an eternity away from you
Like I am wounded and can only crawl the day through

Others do little to make this tired face smile
When the simplest of tasks feel like walking four miles
Constantly telling myself it will all be alright
That we'll meet again when the time is right
That our days will be spent as our dreaming nights

Fueling my way forward, your phantoms embrace
The hopes of your happy smile, eyes and face
Even though I know that you're so far away
I feel your phantom kisses
And still long to listen
To the soft sweet voice of my missing mistress

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