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Around this corner, down the line
Which of these worn paths are mine?
Pushing forward, chased by greed
Will I ever feel that I have all I need?

Of all the directions, which way to go?
Just ideas in my head are all that I know
Life is a maze in which I'm hopelessly lost
Choices are made, each with its cost

Maybe there is more than one way out
Wandering along, ignoring my doubt
One step at a time is all I can take
Each decision a precursor to others I make

The path may be set, but on days like today
I find myself entirely lost on the way
Time glides on, and with it my thoughts
To piece back together my haves and have nots

For now, I have done all there is to do
Awaiting the next obvious form of a clue
A sign to be seen or a song to be sung
The answer always at the tip of my tongue

A Peek Behind The VeilWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt