A Tree Can Be Me

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Looking around and what do I see?
Ever a taller or shorter tree
The ways of its life reflecting on me
Angled and curved wrapping around
Or meagerly sprouting up from the ground
A family in harmony with all the rest
Comforting neighbors, greeting each guest
Though there are many, none are the same
With no concept of individual fame
Together they live in comfort and community
No pain in which to develop immunity

The blind roots reach out to find stability
There's no need to express useless mobility
Branches and leaves stretch up to the sky
To the light of attention on which they rely
Expressing themselves to the eye of the sun
Beauty appearing from where there was none
Feeling satisfied when the day is done

Leaves fall like heavy eyelids to dormancy
Saving strength for the return to normalcy
But leave one out in a space all alone
And watch as it hardens to be on its own
Roots reach deeper as the leaves to the light
For there's no support against the coming of night

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