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Branching out away from mine
A thousand ways to seek and find
No turning back to what once was
The days burn on without a pause

Now here I am among the rest
Trail by fire and turing test
Trim the vines and burn the best
Uproot the long established nest

Beneath our gaze, we watched the days
Assumed the known while crept malaise
Our extent of change was misaligned
To intersect with opposite minds

Secret thoughts and hearts desire
Words will fade and talk will tire
Distance grows there dies the fire
Memories churn, the mind retires

Grasping for straws of relations had
Only thoughts in amber clad
Memories preach an endless want
Through every waking moment haunt

Now here you are all on your own
Look how far apart we've grown
It comes to this, life set in stone
Down the only path we've ever known

A Peek Behind The VeilOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant