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Michael finishes his amazing performance and everyone stands, clapping like there's not tomorrow, and it's as if this is the most extraordinary thing they've ever seen.

As soon as the clapping dies down, Michael has left the stage, and the cameras have gone to commercial break, I turn to Stevie.

"It was great seeing you. We really need to get together more often. I know you're busy, but if you ever need something to do, call me up and we can hang out." I offer and he smiles brightly as we both stand to hug each other.

"It was great no seeing you too," he smiles, making me laugh, "Just make sure Michael's alright. I know how he felt about his performance at Motown 25. If he was upset about that, I can only imagine how he is going to be tonight." he guesses, and I nod.

"I know," I sigh, "I hope he'll be okay."

"Tell Michael I say goodbye, and that I think he's the best out of anyone here," he says quietly, pulling me into another hug.

"I will," I smile, kissing his cheek, "Talk to you later."

"Bye, Emma."

I leave Stevie in the aisle, and try and find my way to Michael's dressing room as quickly as I can. I walk through the side doors and around a long winding hallway before finally getting behind the stage.

I'm looking at the dressing rooms as I walk by, trying to make out the names that are scribbled on the mini whiteboards.

Billy Crystal.

Little Richard.

Tatiana Thumbtzen... ugh bitch. She was all up on Michael during the short film and then again on stage tonight. Why does she even need a dressing room to herself? She was on stage for less than a second.

I continue to look for Michael's name as I come up to a dressing room with Quincy and Billy Crystal standing outside of it.

That's gotta be Michael's room.

"Hey Em," Q sighs, finally seeing as I walk up to them. Billy looks to me, and part of me is star struck, but the rest of me keeps me calm.

"I'm Emma," I smile, holding out my hand to shake his, "Nice to meet you."

"I'm Billy," he smiles brightly, shaking my hand, "Same to you."

"Whats wrong?" I ask, letting go of his hand as I adjust my dress, "Where's Michael?"

"We're trying to get him out," Q sighs, gesturing to the door as he walks a couple steps to stand beside me, "He won't let anyone in... but I'm sure he'd make an exception for you." he smiles genuinely.

"I'm honestly surprised that Michael didn't win more awards," Billy mumbles quietly, looking around to make no one hears, "I mean... it's Michael Jackson. It's Michael Jackson. Come on," he scoffs, shaking his head.

"I know, he's pretty upset," I sigh and Q nods.

"After the performance he made a bee line back here without talking to anyone." he says.

"I've never even really met Michael, but everyone knows he should've won." Billy whispers harshly, and Quincy and I smile as I walk up to the dressing room door and press my ear against the cold door, and knock hesitantly.

"Baby, it's me," I say softly and I hear him shuffle around on the other side, "Can you let me in?" I continue in a soft voice. I hear his footsteps approach the door and he breathes shakily, sniffling a bit.

"Is there anyone out there with you?" he asks, still sniffling. I look behind me at the two men and breathe deeply.

"Um... it's just Q and Billy."

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