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I sigh softly as the soft couple of fingers trace my back.

"Hmm," I hum softly as I nuzzle my cheek into his hard chest.

"Baby wake up," Michael coaxes as I keep my arms wrapped tightly around his torso.

"No," I groan as he continues to rub my back.

"We need to get up," he whispers, kissing the top of my head, "We're leaving today." He mumbles into my hair.

"What?" I croak as my eyes open slowly.

"We're going to Hawaii, remember?" He reminds me.

"You told me that last week, I didn't know when we were actually leaving," I groan, rolling onto my back.

"I told you we were leaving on Friday... which is today," he smiles, kissing my shoulder.

"Okay, okay, I get it," I murmur into my forearm that is covering my face, "But we have to go by my apartment first. All my stuff is there. I should go pick it up." I sigh, running my hands over my bedhead.

"You know, I could just buy you all new stuff." He suggests, pulling me into him again.

"Michael," I sigh, looking into his eyes, "You're already doing so much for me. I can't let you do that," I say remorsefully, running my hand down his chest, "And there is some stuff at my apartment that is irreplaceable."

"Okay, we'll go this afternoon before our plane takes off." He suggests, tucking a curl behind my ear.

"When does our flight leave?" I ask, regarding his gorgeous facial features.

"It can leave whenever I want it to," he smiles, "it's a private jet."

"Michael," I groan, rolling away from him, "Why do you have to be so rich." I sigh, wrapping the sheet around me as I sit up.

"Oh come on," he laughs, "You can't blame me for all of this." He says as if it's a bad thing.

"Yes I can. You could've retired when you were like... 16 and you would've have enough money to live life five times over." I mumble, running my hands down my face as I stand from the bed, leaving the sheet behind.

"Damn," he breathes, watching me walk towards the washroom.

"Like what you see?" I ask, looking over my shoulder as I stand in the doorway of the master bathroom.

"Mmm, yeah baby." He groans, sitting up in the king size.

"If you like it so much you should join me in the shower." I wink over my shoulder, walking further. I hear the bed springs as he quickly makes in behind me. I squeal excitedly as Michael grabs me from behind, kissing all over my neck and shoulders.

"Mmm, your skin is so soft," he mumbles, still placing rapid kisses all over me. 

"Michael, you're so silly." I sigh, turning in his arms. I press my lips against his longingly and I jump to wrap my legs around his waist before he carries me into the shower. 

I place my legs on the ground as Michael grips my hips with his large hands. I wrap my arms around his neck, deepening our kiss as his tongue scans my teeth. 

"Last night was great," I sigh into his mouth as he moves his hands around to rest them on top of my ass. 

"I don't even think there's a word to describe last night, baby." he groans, kissing down my neck. 

I run my hand down his abs before grazing his light pubic hair. I feel his erect member against my stomach and slowly stroke all of him from base to tip. 

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