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I groan softly as I start coming to. My hand covers my eyes from the light shining on my face as I'm made aware of the massive headache I have. 

"Fuck," I groan, scrunching my nose. I try to roll over but a certain sexy someone has his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I slowly uncover my eyes and look up at Michael who is resting his head on the pillow behind me. 

I place a light kiss on his nose before struggling to peel his arms off of me. I slowly lift myself to sit on the edge of the bed, placing my head in my hands. 

It feels like someone bashed my head against the fucking wall. I let out a pain-filled breath and decide to use the washroom. I walk in, not turning on the lights. 

I need the least pain as possible. 

I grab a few Advil from the cabinet above the sink and pop them in my mouth before bending over and drinking water from the tap. I sigh softly, deciding that I need to pee. I look down as I sit on the toilet and realize that I'm in Michael's shirt, along with my bra and thong. 

I walk back into the bedroom and Michael is still snoozing away. I smile at how cute he is as I grab a fluffy white blanket off of the bed bench and wrap it around my shoulders before walking onto the balcony. 

I really fucked up last night. 

Michael did not deserve to deal with my drunk ass. 

My head pounds as I rest my elbows against the railing of the balcony. I'm hella tired but there is no way I'll be able to go back to sleep with the pain I'm feeling right now. 

The only thing I remember from last night are foggy memories of me crying, drinking, and pushing Michael away; emotionally and physically. 

As my throbbing head is consumed with thought I feel a warm pair of arms wrap around me from behind and I smile to myself. 

"Hi," he whispers, kissing the space behind my ear. I lean back into his body, turning my head to kiss his cheek. 

"Hey," I smile before kissing my lips softly. He starts humming as I turn around in his arms, letting him press his pelvic bone against mine as I lean my back against the rail. 

"Emma," he smiles softly, tucking one of my curls behind my ears, making my cheeks redden, "Will you be my girl." he sighs happily as I place my hands on his chest.

"Of course," I grin, letting it consume my face.

"Really?" he mumbles, looking down into my eyes. 

"Yes." I nod, reaching on my tip toes to place a long kiss on his soft lips. Michael's lips join my rhythmic mouthing as he holds me closer by the small of my back. 

"Mmm," I moan into his mouth as I melt into his strong frame. He gropes my ass through the soft blanket as I hold onto his biceps. He starts to reach around the front of my body, thumbing at the band of my thong as I giggle, "Michael, we're outside," I laugh as he starts to kiss down my neck. 

"So?" he grins cockily, kissing the tops of my breasts.

"I don't wanna be seen," I giggle, biting my lip as he pulls the collar of his shirt down to lick my breasts. 

"We are on a private island," he sighs, standing up straight to look into my eyes, "There is no one here except for you, me, and the staff. If you want, I can tell the staff to go home for the day." he winks naughtily, making me laugh. 

"No Michael, you don't have to do that," I grin, kissing the corner of his mouth, "This is just fine." I say quietly. 

"Why do you keep talking so softly?" he asks in a quiet, mocking tone. 

"Because my head is pounding," I smile sarcastically as his face washes over with concern. 

"Are you okay? Do you want me to get you anything?" he asks, looking over my face. 

"No," I giggle, leaning my chin against his chest, looking up at him, "If you're this concerned when I'm hungover, I wonder how you'd be when I'm pregnant." I joke as his face goes straight. 

"You're thinking about pregnancy?" he asks, raising his brows. 

"I was just kidding Michael," I say, with a hint of truth in my voice. 

"But you want kids?" he asks as a smile tugs at the corners of his lips. 

"Maybe one day," I wink knowingly, causing a smile to consume his face. 

"God you're perfect," he mumbles before picking me up by the waist and spinning my once, placing me back on the ground. 

"I'm not perfect," I giggle as Michael holds me close to him, helping to find my balance, "You're more perfect than me." I sigh lovingly, reaching up to caress his face. 

"Your modesty adds to your perfection," he winks, taking my hand in his as I rest my forehead against his hard chest. 

"My head really hurts," I mumble before Michael gently pick me up bridal-style. Michael walks into the room, placing me on the bed. 

"I'll be back in a second," He says softly, kissing my forehead as he pulls the covers over my fetal-positioned body. 

I rest my head on the plush pillow, shutting my eyes for just a second when I hear Michael's feet pad back into the room. I slowly open my eyes and see him squatting beside the bed with a glass of water in his hand. 

"Drink this first and then you can sleep," he grins with a wink, making me smile, "Alcohol dehydrates the body. You need to get some hydrating liquids inside of you." he suggests as I sit up. 

Michael climbs onto he bed, resting himself between my legs, as I drink the whole glass of water. 

"Thanks," I smile shyly, placing the glass on the side table. 

"What were you talking about last night?" he asks after a few minutes, "You kept saying you knew my secret. What were you talking about?" he asks with a smile as my cheeks heat with embarrassment, "I don't have any secrets." 

"I don't remember," I groan, covering my face with my hands, "I was just talking nonsense." I shake my head as he runs his hands up my thighs, "Come here." I grin, patting the space in the bed beside me. He smiles, lifting himself from in between my legs and lies down beside me as I scoot down in the bed for him to spoon me. 

"I like this." he grins, intertwining his fingers with mine. 

"I love you." I sigh, looking over my shoulder at him. 

"I love you more." he grins, kissing my temple as my stomach flutters. I turn around to face him, and run my hand down his bare chest, circling his patches of vitiligo on the way down. 

"Why did you cover this when I first saw you shirtless," I say softly, looking up at him, "When you walked out of the shower in your suite." 

"Do you have to bring up my irrelevant disease," he says impatiently, shifting his eyes away from mine. 

"I love it," I smile, kissing one of the discoloured patches on his being, "I think it's sexy and adds to your persona." 

"Emma, stop," he sighs as his cheeks redden. 

"It's true," I smile, placing a chaste kiss on his chest. 

"I wanted you to think I was attractive." he confesses as I continue to kiss different patches on his chest. 

"I already thought you were attractive," I smile against his skin, looking up at him. 

"Yeah but I wanted to be all manly and shirtless in front of you without any imperfection." 

"You are the sexiest man I've ever met," I say seriously, kissing the corner of his mouth. 

"Well you're the sexiest woman I'm ever met."  he grins, kissing my lips longingly as my cheeks flush. God I love this man. 

Smile (a Michael Jackson Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz