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Michael's POV

Emma and I both slip on matching robes, that have been hung in the closet, before we take a seat on the end of the bed. I hold her hands in mine as I sigh heavily.

"I didn't wake up because of jet lag," I exasperate and her brows furrow, "I lied. I woke up because I had this dream... about something that will never happen, okay?" I ask, looking up to her and her eyes are filled with an unreadable emotion.

"What happened in your dream? What did you do?" she asks flatly and I cringe at the thought.

"Emma, I sweat I don't want this at all, but the dream.... more like a nightmare... was someone kissing me in my sleep and when I woke, it wasn't you. I really thought it was you, but I opened me eyes and it was Lisa... Lisa Marie Presley. I was in a cold sweat, my heart was racing, I swear, Emma, I didn't want that to happen. I thought it was you."

Emma's eyes mix with sadness and anger as she looks up to me. She's upset. Tears brim in her eyes and she stands from the bed before walking forward a bit. She turns to me with her hands on her hips and lets out a slight breath.

"Emma, I really didn't-"

"What what she wearing in your dream? Was she naked?" she asks softly, and I can tell she's getting more upset.

"We were... we were wrapped in sheets together." I confess hesitantly. Emma runs her hands through her hair before taking a step back.

"If you didn't want this dream, then why did you have it?" she grits. I stand to tell her, but she holds a hand out, "No, sit down." she grits and I slowly do what she's told me, "Why? Why would this happen?" she grits to herself before her eyes flash with memory, "Did you guys do something at the wedding? Did you see her? Did you talk to her?" she asks quickly, getting even angrier.

"We didn't do anything," I say confidently, "We started a conversation that I ended because she started coming on onto me."

"What the fuck did she do to you?!" Emma yells.

"Babe, she didn't touch me," I sigh, holding my hands out, "I mean, she touched my arm, but I moved away when she did. She kept trying to come closer the whole time, actually, but I kept back away because I didn't want her to touch me. I thought it was odd at first, but then she started saying things..."

"What did she say?!"

"She was saying how she would always be there if things didn't work out, you know... between you and me," I say hesitantly, bracing myself for her to blow up as her eyes darken. I stand up and quickly walk up to her to cup her face in my hands and guide her to look right into my eyes, "But you know what I told her? I told her that I love you, and if she thought that we would ever be apart she is crazy. I told her that I would never find another because you are my one and only, and there will never be another."

Emma's eyes soften and I visibly see her body relax.

"Really?" she asks quietly. I nod, smiling softly before gently pressing my lips to hers. I run my thumb over her cheek and smile, pulling away.

"Yes," I grin as as she sighs in relief, "I love you. Only you. Lisa can get fucked, and not in the good way." I smile, making her giggle.

"I'm sorry," she sighs, looking down and I tilt her chin back up to look at me.

"It's okay," I sigh, kissing her lips longingly, "If you were having dreams about someone who wasn't me, in that kind of way, I'd be upset too."

"I love you," she sighs with a shy smile.

"I love you too," I grin, kissing her deeply.

"Do you want to take a bath?" she asks, looking up into my eyes.

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