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Emma's POV

It has been a year since the tour started, and honestly, this is the wildest thing I've ever witnessed. I'm pretty sure Michael could say the same, even though he's been doing this for so long. Even Greg, the pianist, said that this was the biggest tour in history. I'm amazed that Michael always seems to beat himself and everyone around him.

He is simply amazing. That's all there is to it.

Now, we have a months break before going back for another year. I know Michael does it for the fans, but it is taking a huge toll on him.

"Emma!" Michael calls as I hear his feet hit the stairs.

"Yes?" I say with a smile as he reaches the bottom and walks over to me on a barstool to lean against the island beside me.

"I was just wondering," he begins, looking down at his large hands, "Would you want to have a date night tonight?" he asks, his cheeks turning red, making me grin.

"After all this time, you're still so shy," I smile, making him blush even deeper.

"Emma," he mumbles, shyly, and I peck his lips.

"I'd love to," I grin, kissing him again, "What did you have in mind?"

"I don't want to go out and get mobbed, so I was thinking we could go on a date somewhere on the ranch." he suggests, leaning in to kiss my lips.

"That sounds great," I grin against his soft lips, kissing him again.

"I love you," he smiles brightly, pulling me off the stool and flush to his chest.

"I love you too." I grin as he kisses me again.

Michael leads me from the kitchen and out the side door to where the animals are. We walk for a couple minutes before reaching the animal cages and I smile lovingly.

I love these animals. They're my babies.

Michael wraps his arms around me from behind as we watch the animals interact with each other, and he kisses the space behind my ear.

"I have a surprise," he whispers against the shell of my ear.

"What would that be?" I grin over my shoulder to look at him. He kisses my cheek before walking into the monkey sanctuary. I try and watch what he is doing, but he is hidden by some of the structures and animals.

I continue to squint and try and see what is going on, when a chimp runs out from where Michael went in and my face lights with happiness.

"Oh my god!" I exclaim, covering my mouth as I crouch down to greet the baby chimp that has run over to me. Michael smiles, walking out of where he was and bends over to pick up the chimp in his arms and I stand back up.

"He's so cute," I grin like an idiot as I reach towards him. The chimp climbs out of Michael's arms and into mine, almost making my eyes well up.

"What's their name?" I ask, tucking the chimp in my arms like a baby.

"Bubbles," Michael chuckles, watching our interaction, "He's a boy."

The baby chimp looks up at before climbing out of my cradle and higher onto my chest to wrap his arms around my neck. He makes hooting noises and Michael laughs as I continue to smile.

"Can we take him with us for the rest of the night?" I ask, and Michael nods, reaching over to rub Bubbles back.

"Sure," he says softly as Bubbles climbs up my chest and over my shoulders to sit on them. He pulls my curls gently. We both laugh before Michael takes my hand in his and led me around to the rest of the animals.

After seeing all the animals and giving them treats, we reach the theatre and Bubbles hoots with excitement.

"When did you get him?" I grin, looking up to Bubble who is still fascinated with my hair.

"He just got here today," Michael smiles, "I wanted to show you as soon as possible. That's really why I wanted to have a date on the ranch." he smirks, making me laugh as Bubbles starts to climb down and then all over my body.

"You better watch it, Michael," I teases, "Bubbles is getting more action than you are right now." Michael laughs hysterically before pulling Bubbles from me.

"Okay, that's enough!" he exclaims in a laugh, making me smile as I walk up the steps to the theatre.

"You coming?" I ask, looking to Michael and Bubbles who are at the bottom of the steps.

"I don't know," he shrugs, "Maybe I should just let you and Bubbles go, since he's the one who's all over you."

"Michael," I giggle, folding my arms, "Let's go." I gesture and he rolls his eyes playfully.

"Fine," he drawls, jokingly, as he walks up the stairs.

We find our seats in the theatre, after Michael has gotten a massive bucket of popcorn, and Bubbles sits in my lap, staring up at the screen as the Tarzan starts to play. Bubbles hoots and watches as I lean over to kiss Michael on the cheek before copying my actions and making both of us laugh as he give him a big smooch.

"Bubbles is a great extension to the family," I grin as Bubbles stares up at the large screen.

"And you're part of that family... right?" Michael asks slowly, and I know he's serious.

"Is it okay if I am?" I smirk, and he smiles, reaching over to hold my hand.

"Yes," he grins, kissing my cheek before both of us turn our attention to the movie.


It's been a couple hours, and we are now walking out of the theatre. Michael is holding my hand and Bubbles is holding my shoulders, and I'm happier than I've been in a while.

"So, are we putting Bubbles back in his cage?" I ask with a hint of sadness.

"If you don't mind, Bubbles can sleep with us tonight," Michael suggests, rocking back on his heels when we stop in front of the animal sanctuary.

"Really?" I ask slowly, my heart spilling over with happiness. Bubbles hoots, and we both laugh.

"I guess that's a yes."

Michael, Bubbles and I walk back into the house and up to the master bedroom. Michael flicks not he lights and I look to the bed to see mini clothes scattered all over it.

"What is this?" I ask hesitantly, looking to Michael.

"Clothes for Bubbles," Michael smiles brightly and my eyes widen as he takes Bubbles from me.

"Really?" I smirk, watching as Michael changes his diaper and puts him in a small, cute pair of plaid pyjamas.

"You ready for bed?" he asks as if nothing is out of the ordinary.

"Yeah, but you know this is kind of crazy, right?" I ask, suppressing a laugh and he looks at me with mischief in his eyes.

"I know, but everyone else thinks I'm crazy, so why not play the role?" he chuckles, with a touch of hurt behind his voice.

"Michael," I sigh, with a caring smile as I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his neck, "I love all of you, including the crazy part." I smile, kissing his lips gently and he smiles brightly.

"So you think I'm crazy?" he smirks, raising his brows.

"Well you're in love with me, so something has to be a bit different up there," I smirk, tapping his temple and he grins before pulling me into a long, deep kiss. Bubbles hoots and claps his hands making me smiles against Michael's lips.

Michael and I finish getting ready for bed before all three of us hop in, under the covers, and Bubbles scoots closer to me, holding his arms around my neck and snuggling himself into my chest. My heart flutters as Michael moves closer and wraps his arms around the both of us.

I would like to think the same thing would happen if we ever

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