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Michael's POV

Emma and I arrive at the arena this morning, and things are crazy. Everyone is rushing around, trying to make the lighting perfect, making sure all the equipment is set up properly, and finalizing anything that they think needs to be done before I have my input.

"Mr. Jackson, are you ready for your interview?" some random person with an MTV microphone says. I furrow my brows, and look down at Emma who is right by my side.

"No, sorry, I don't have an interview today," I say slowly, trying to get them out of my face.

"Yes you do, we called yesterday and your manager confirmed," she nods, holding the microphone at her side.

"Can you give me some time. I have to work with the people for the tour and make sure everything is properly set up," I mumble, squeezing Emma's hand as I feel my anxiety starting to pool in my stomach. Emma steps a bit closer to me as the lady nods with a bright smile.

"Of course, Mr. Jackson," she nods quickly, "This will be perfect for us to get some shots of what tour prep looks like. Is that alright with you?" she asks, and I sigh, shifting my eyes away.

"Yes, I guess that's fine," I murmur, and she thanks me, shaking my hand, before quickly walking away to the camera crew.

I wonder why an American MTV crew would come to Japan. They could've waited it out. I'm coming back to America for more concerts.

I sigh heavily, and Emma rubs my arm, comforting me immensely. I wish someone had told me about this.

"No one told you about this," she sighs, reading my mind.

"Nope," I mumble, popping the 'p'.

"It's okay," she smiles lovingly, reaching on her tiptoes to kiss my lips longingly, "Just go see your dancers and get your mind off of the interview before it starts. You're so good at interviews anyways. I know you get nervous, but you always get through it." she reminds me, cupping my face in her hands.

"Yeah, you're right," I sigh, leaning down to kiss her again, "I love you."

"I love you too, baby," she grins, lightly patting my behind, "Go get 'em." she smiles, making me grin. I kiss her once more before heading to the stage to see everyone.

"Michael!" Vincent smiles as I walk up the steps to the stage, "Okay, okay, everyone quiet down!" she yells, and the crew members stop their talking to turn and look at me with bright smiles. I look back to Emma, who is sitting in a chair on the floor, and she winks at me.

"Hi everyone, I'm glad to see all of your excited faces this morning," I greet as they watch me intently with glimmers in their eyes, "I'll just get right to it, and break down what is going to happen today," I breathe, clapping my hands together as Vincent pats my shoulder, "We're going to run through the whole concert. Top to bottom so that everything runs smoothly tonight. I want as little error as possible so that we can have more time to rest and perfect certain parts before the concert starts."

Everyone nods, and they stand up as Vincent starts to talk details with me and I sneak looks at Emma out of the corner of my eye as she observes everything that is going on. I love my girl.


"Okay guys, take five," I sigh, wiping sweat from from my forehead with my towel, "I just have to talk to a few people." I mumble, mostly to myself, before jogging down the steps to the floor.

I walk down to Emma, who is still sitting on her chair even after the couple hours I've been rehearsing, and she stands, wrapping her arms around my neck as I pull her flush to my chest.

Smile (a Michael Jackson Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu