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My eyes flutter open as I feel myself alone in bed. I sit up immediately and look to Michael's spot, where he no longer is. I look around the room for any sign of Michael when I see a little note on the side table. 


I told you we wouldn't be spending as much time together, and I'm sorry for that too. I left early for rehearsals today so that I could come back earlier to spend time with you. Motown 25 is coming up and I have to do what I do best, besides loving you. 

Your one and only, 


My heart flutters at the thought of him writing this and I smile before slipping it into my suitcase for safe keeping. I slowly get out of bed before walking into the washroom to wake myself up a bit and get fresh for the day. 

When I'm finished showering and being all hygienic, I walk out into the kitchen in Michael's velvet robe to find something to eat. As I'm searching the fridge, the phone blares, making me jump at the sound. 

"Jesus," I murmur to myself as I decide wether or not to pick up the phone, "Hello?" I ask softly, deciding to pick up. 

"Emma?" a soft voice asks and my chest tenses. 

"Katherine, how are you?" I sigh, taking a seat on one of the bar stools. 

"I'm fine thank you, I'm just calling to apologize for the way things ended last night. Joseph had no right to say the things that he did, especially to a guest in our household. I apologize for his indiscretions." she apologizes as I rest my elbows on the counter. 

"I'm sorry for my language as well, I could've just left and avoided the whole situation." I apologize, rubbing the bridge of my nose. 

"It wasn't your fault at all, honey," she says comforting me, "I approve of yours and Michael's relationship, and that's all that matters for now. You two are right for each other, Joseph just doesn't know how to act sometimes." she sighs.

"I would never hurt Michael intentionally," I assure her as my brows furrow, "I love him." 

"I know you do, sweetheart, and I know that he loves just as much. I haven't ever seen Michael like this, I know you're good for him." she smiles through the receiver as a grin tugs at the corner of my lips. 

"Thank you Katherine, I appreciate it," I smile as the silence lingers for a few seconds. 

"What are you doing today, Emma?" she asks, making me knit my brows together. 

"Nothing, why do you ask?" I say curiously. 

"Oh nothing, I'm just going to go grocery shopping and was wondering if you wanted to come with me to pick up a few things for Michael's condo." she offers, making my face light up. 

"Yes, of course!" I exclaim, making her laugh, "I'd love to go shopping with you!"

"It's just fruits and vegetables, honey, you don't have to get too excited," she jokes as my face flushes. 

"I know, but my Mother never took me grocery shopping, so this should be fun," I explain as I hear her walk through her house. 

"Yes, well, I'll be there in half an hour, be ready for me when I get there." she smiles sweetly as a grin consumes my face. 

"Yes, I will." I nod as she giggles into he phone. 

"See you, Emma." she smiles. 

"Bye," I smile, hanging up the phone before hopping off the bar stool, "I've gotta find something to eat."

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