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Michael's POV

"You did good little bro!" Jermaine exclaims, smacking me on the back as we climb into the limo, "She really loves you." he grins, and I nod, my thoughts still on Emma. I'd rather be with her right now. This bachelor party was not really my idea.

"OOOOHHHHH!" Tito hollers, and some of my brothers copy, "Michael wants Emma!" he snickers, holding his stomach, and I smile, hiding my irritation.

If I don't go along with it, my brothers will tease me all night. So I just smile and nod.

"Mike, you got it bad!" Marlon exclaims, making everyone laugh as Brady and Connor nod with smiles, not finding it as funny. I can tell Brady is trying to act more masculine, and Connor doesn't even have to try.

"So, where are we going anyway?" I ask, making Jermaine and Jackie burst into a fit of laughter.

"What does every bachelor do on their last free night?" Jermaine smirks, as if it's obvious. My brows furrow in confusion and Jackie laughs louder.

"We're going to a strip club, Mike!" Jackie exclaims, and I gape at both of them as they continue their laughter.

"What, Mike? You think Emma cares?!" Jermaine scoffs, teasing me. I smile slightly, staying completely still, and all of my brothers ignore it before starting to socialize with one another.

A strip club?!

What were they thinking. I don't want to go to a strip club. My needs are satisfied with Emma, I don't need some random girl coming to dance on my lap.


Emma's POV

All of the girls screams and squeal as we get into the car, and Janet reaches for a bottle of champagne to pop open. Some fizzes out the top and onto the carpeted limo floor as we hold our glasses for her to fill them.

"To the last night of Emma being a single woman!" she exclaims, making me laugh as I shake my head. My smile soon fades as I take a sip of my drink, and my mind turns to Michael. I miss him already. I'd rather be with him tonight. This party really didn't have to happen.

"Woah! Emma's gettin' down tonight!" Sophie exclaims as I suck down my whole glass. I giggle as Janet pours me another, and Michael's voice pops into my mind.

"I don't like it when you do this to yourself. It's not good for you."

I gaze at the golden liquid swishing around in the glass and I immediately feel sick to my stomach.

"Janet... Janet, stop the car." I mumble and her face flushes with concern.

"Driver, stop the car!" Janet orders and the car immediately pulls over. I quickly get out of the car and to the back of the sidewalk before throwing up between two brick buildings. Janet runs over and holds my hair back as I hurl over the concrete again.

"Should I call someone?!" Sophie exclaims, over exaggerating the situation. I shake my head as I finish throwing up, and I spit out all of the taste before leaning against the wall.

"Don't," I sigh, closing my eyes for a second, "I just got a little sick I guess." I mumble.

"Damn, girl, it was only one drink," Rebbie sighs, and I shake my head.

"That wasn't it," I sigh, rubbing my temples, "I have a high tolerance. I must've just gotten a bit of motion sickness or something. Maybe I ate something bad today." I murmur a few seconds before Janet gasps and I look to her.

"Are you pregnant?" she whispers and all of the girls eyes widen, including mine.

"No," I smirk, shrugging it off, "No, I'm not pregnant." I reassure, holding my stomach.

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