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Michael's POV

"Why Joseph?!" I yell, slamming my cutlery on the table, "What did she ever do to you?!" I continue to yell as he lazily sips his wine. 

"She is going to ruin your career," he says matter-of-factly, "You are going to destroy the name of Michael Jackson." 

"She is not going to ruin my fucking career!" I grit as everyone around the table gasps at my use of language, "If anything she will make my career better! She inspires my music! I'm in love with her!" I exclaim, verbally expressing my love for her, "All you care about is money! You love this mansion that I bought for you and the slight perks you get from my fame! That's all you've ever cared about!"

"DON'T DISRESPECT ME, BOY! I AM YOUR FATHER!" Joseph rages standing from his seat and throwing his glass on the ground as everyone flinches in their seats. 

"You don't act like one!" I shoot back as his eyes fill with fury. I shake my head, throwing my napkin on the table as Mother takes my hand, "Please, Mother, let me go." I sigh, pulling my hand from hers, "I'm going to get Emma. That is what I care about." 

I walk out of the room quickly, going to get Emma and getting away from this insane family of mine. 


I unlock the door to Michael's condo with the spare key that Rob gave me to use while I'm waiting for Michael to finish his dinner with his family. 

I feel bad for making a scene as my first impression with the Jacksons, but his father is a real piece of shit that I'm not okay with tolerating. 

Those days are behind me. 

I slip off my shoes and go into the bedroom to get undressed. As I undo the button of my jeans, and pull them down my legs, a book on Michael's side table catches my eye. I walk over and see that it is Marvin Gaye's auto biography. 

"Hmm," I hum, interested in the book. I pick it up and start to read the back when I hear the front door to Michael's condo open. 

"Emma?" his soft voice asks from the other room.

"I'm in here," I call as his footsteps soon find me.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asks, slowly walking up to me. 

"Yeah, I'm okay," I sigh, placing the book back where it once was, "I just couldn't tolerate your father. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." I apologize as he wraps his arms around my waist. 

"Don't be sorry," he sighs, shaking his head, "Joseph had everything you said coming to him, and it's been coming for a long time." he mumbles, brushing a curl out of my face, "Are you okay though? Did you take what he said seriously?" he asks with concern. 

"It hurt in the moment, but I know I'm a bigger person than him so I have to let it go." I murmur, resting my cheek on his chest as he pulls me into a hug. 

"I'm sorry my family asked about your parents." he mumbles into my hair as my heart clenches.

"It's okay, they didn't mean to upset me." I say softly, feeling very forgiving tonight. 

"How are you?" he asks slowly as my brows furrow. 

"Fine, how are you?" I ask, confused, 

"No, I mean how do you feel right now? Like your well being. I know that dinner was eventful, and not in the good way, so I want to know how you feel?" he asks, rubbing my arms. 

"I'm very tired," I admit, rubbing the bridge of my nose, "And I have a headache. And I feel unwanted." I sniffle as a rush of memories from my child hood come back from me, just now hitting me like a wall of bricks. 

"Emma," he sighs, pulling me into a tight hug. 

"I just want to go home," I cry softly, pressing my face into his chest. 

"To your apartment in New York?" he asks hesitantly, with a hint of disgust behind it. 

"No, I want to go home to a real family that loves me. I want parents who want me." I sniffle as he wipes my nose with the bottom of his shirt, making me giggle. 

"I want you," he smiles, wiping my tears with his thumbs. 

"It's not the same," I smile wanly as he holds my face in his hands. 

"I know it's not, but I will give you all the love that you can handle." he chuckles, making me smile widely. 

"Thank you," I croak as he kisses my lips longingly, "I love you." I smile, pulling my lips from his. 

"I love you more." he smile, kissing me again, "How's your headache," He asks as I walk over to me suitcase. 

"Killer," I deadpan, pulling my shirt off to stand in my undergarments. 

"Yeah?" Michael mumbles, watching me intently. 

"Yeah," I giggle, pulling my oversized shirt over my head before undoing my strapless bra underneath of it and letting it fall to the floor. 

"Do you want me to give you something," he winks suggestively as I pull my underwear down my legs, the shirt covering my ass. 

"Advil would be great," I giggle, steering away from his sexual innuendo. 

"Alright," he drawls, walking into the master washroom. I walk over to the bed and pull back the covers as he walks out of the bathroom with a glass of water in one hand and the Advil in the other. 

"Feed me," I say dramatically, opening my mouth. 

"Whatever you want, my queen," he plays along, placing the medication on my tongue. 

"Thanks King," I wink, taking the water from him before he strips from his clothing, leaving me ironically dry-mouthed. He winks as he lets his dick hang free, walking over to the walk in closet to get some pyjamas. 

"Ready for bed?" he asks, walking out in a pair of red pyjama pants and no shirt, just the way I like it. 

Dickprint and shirtless. 

"Definitely," I sigh, stretching my arms out to the sides as he climbs under the sheets. I scoot over to him, sinking down in the bed as he turns out the light on his bedside table.

"I'm sorry about Joseph." he sighs as I run my hand down his chest.

"It's okay, it could've been worse." I mumble tiredly. 

"I love you," he whispers, kissing the top of my head as I rest myself in the crook of his arm.

"Why?" I ask softly as he plays with my curls. 

"Because you're strong and you know how to fight your own battles." he says softly, kissing my forehead. 

"I get hurt sometimes, but I don't need attention all the time like all the other thirsty bitches int the world," I scoff jokingly as Michael chuckles, "I love you too Michael." I smile, resting my cheeks against his firm chest. 

"Goodnight Emma," he sighs as my eyelids grow heavy and I fall asleep next to the man I love. 

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