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Since my parents had both finished their coffees and Michael and Stephen weren't back yet, I decided it was time for them to leave, so now we're on a walk outside to find them.

Part of me feels bad for being so harsh with them, especially my Mother, but they put me through hell.

"Emma, Emma! Come here!" Stephen exclaims when he spots us walking towards them. I smile, forgetting about my parents, and make my way over to him.

"What's up, Stephen?" I ask, smiling down at him and Michael winks at me.

"We found my favourite animal!" he exclaims, pointing to the chimp sanctuary.

"That's my favourite too," I grin softly, observing Stephan's excitement and Bubbles hoots at the sight of me, "Hi Bubbles," I grin, waving at him. I pick Stephan up in my arms and smile at him, "Put your hand out." I smile, showing as I do what I've said, "Bubbles will press his hand against yours if you hold it to the cage." I grin, showing him. Stephan gasps happily and does the same to see Bubbles pressing his hand against his.

"He's just like you, Em," Michael smiles, "Same expressions, movements, energy. He's literally a mini you." I look down to Stephan who is still smiling and holding hands with Bubbles.

"Michael kept saying that while we were looking at the animals," Stephen shrugs, making me laugh.

"You've been taking care of him properly?" I ask, turning to my parents before putting Stephan down. My parents nod and I sigh heavily, folding my arms as I walk over to them, "He deserves better than what I got. Much better."

"I know," my Mother begins, "We really have been trying. When we had you, we didn't know what to do. We were so scared. Things just went downhill so quickly."

"That's no excuse."

"I know," my Mother says quickly, "That's why your Father went to rehab. We want to make up for all thirty years that we lost with you."

I look to my Father who's eyes have soften and he nods, shifting his weight between his feet. I sigh heavily, my demeanour softening.

"Em," Michael's calls from behind me, "Can we talk?" he asks softly as I see Stephan laughing at the monkey's playing together.

"Sure, babe," I sigh, turning to my parents, "Feel free to look around. I'll be back in a second." I mumble before walking over to Michael. He takes my hand and walk me to the giving tree so that we are a good distance away from them.

"You okay?" he asks softly, cupping my face in his hands as I lean against the tree and close my eyes for a second.

"I yelled at them," I sigh, opening my eyes to look into Michael's, "They tried to explain how sorry they were... my Mother did anyways. My Father stood there like a jackass. They were saying all this stuff about how my Father went to rehab for drug abuse and that they want to be in my life."

"That's good," Michael says hesitantly and I shake my head, a ball forming in my throat.

"Michael, I don't trust them," I swallow, and he pulls me closer to him, "I don't want them back in my life. They'll probably just screw it up again. I just got better and I don't want to throw that out the window."

"But what if they're not like that anymore?" Michael asks, brushing a curl out of my face, "Maybe you should give them a second chance. I mean, especially with Stephan here. He adores you. It would be great for Stephan to have a big sister in his life," he sighs, rubbing his thumb along my bottom lip.

"I don't know," I sigh, shaking my head.

"Just think about it," Michael sighs, pulling me into a long kiss.

"Only for Stephan," I mumble and Michael nods before we walk back over to them.

"So when were you guys planning on leaving?" I ask, looking to them.

"Well, we weren't sure when we were going to leave. I mean, we were going to come and spend time with you, but now I guess we'll have to get a flight back," she murmurs, her eyes saddening. I feel a bit guilty but before I can open my mouth to say anything, Michael beats me to it.

"Why don't you stay with us for a bit?" my eyes widen and I slowly turn to look at Michael, staring daggers at him.

"What?" I ask eerily soft and he know he fucked up.

"Really?" my Mother asks hopefully and I grit my teeth.

"I mean, Emma and Stephen are getting along so well. It would be great for them to spend time together," Michael begins and I close my eyes trying to contain everything in me from going off, "Besides, it's so hard to get a flight out here so you'd have to stay somewhere anyways for the next couple days."

"Is that okay with you, Emma?" my Mother asks.

"Just fine," I smile tightly and Michael rubs my shoulders.

"We get to stay?!" Stephen asks excitedly, hugging me around my midsection and a smile touches me lips, "Thanks Emma!"

"No problem," I sigh, bending down to hug him, "We're gonna have fun." I smile.

"You guys can stay in the guest house," Michael nods, leading them off, "I'll get Bill to get your bags and put them there and I'll give you a tour in the meantime."


After we gave the three of them a tour, Stephen really wanted to watch a movie in the theatre, so that's what we're doing now. I haven't had a chance to curse Michael out yet, but trust me, it will happen.

"Is this good, Steph?" I laugh as he stuffs his face with pizza while the movie plays.

"This is so awesome!" he muffles through his food and Michael chuckles, holding my hand. I look down, trying not to be angry, but I honestly can't believe he offered without asking me, "Maybe you can come back to Canada to live with Mom and Dad?" he asks after swallowing his mouthful.

"I don't know, Steph," sigh sadly as Michael squeezes my hand, "This is my home now." Stephen nods, and looks down.

"I know." he sighs before we turn back to the movie to watch and thoughts run through my mind.

A while later, the credits are rolling, and I pick up a sleeping Stephan and look to my parents in the row behind us. They are awkwardly holding hands as they look to Stephen.

"I'm going to carry him back to the guest house," I say softly and they nod as Michael follows me out, holding every door open for me on the way.

I walk into the guest cabin, to Stephen's room, and tuck him into his bed before kissing him goodnight. When I walk back out to the living room, I find Michael and my parents making small talk.

"Stephen is in bed," I say softly and they all turn to me, "It's been a long day, so I'm going to bed too. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Both of my parents nod, but my Mother is the only one who smiles.

"Night sweetheart," she smiles, pulling me into a surprising hug, "It was so great to see you again."

"Thanks," I smile awkwardly, not sure how to respond, and my Dad just nods as I walk out of the house with Michael on my tail.

"Emma," Michael sighs.

"What?" I grit, making my way to the main house.

"What was that?" he asks, referring to the interaction with my Mother.

"What do you mean what was that?" I ask, whipping around to face him, "I can't believe you asked them to stay with us! Are you out of your fucking mind?! They're going to ruin everything! They're going to rip me apart again!" I scream before walking into the house.

"Emma," Michael sighs, rubbing his hands down his face, "Give them a chance."

"I'm not letting them back into my life," I grit, walking up the stairs to our room, "They're going to cause me grief all over again. I can make an exception for Stephen, but not for them."

"But what if-"

"Screw it Michael!" I scream, storming into the washroom and slamming the door to take a shower and clear my head front the chaos that this day has brought me. 

Smile (a Michael Jackson Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя