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As of two hours ago, we are back in the states. At first I was adamant on meeting Michael's parents right away, but then realized I should look somewhat decent if I'm going to meet them for the first time and not show up in sweats with sexed-off-the-plane hair. 

So here we are. 

Sitting in the car in front of Havenhurst after going to Michael's apartment to freshen up. I hold Michael's hand tightly as I stand in my skinny jeans and off the halter top, jewelry and all. 

"This isn't a good idea," I sigh shakily, staring at the house through the windshield of Michael's car. 

"Why not?" he chuckles, squeezing my hand, "Weren't you the one who suggested meeting my parents?" 

"I'm deciding against that suggestion," I say sarcastically, giving him a tight smile. 

"It'll be fine, you look great," he grins, leaning over the console to kiss my cheek.

"That's easy for you to say, they're your parents." I squint my eyes as he chuckles. 

"Come on, let's go," he laughs, opening his door as I hold my head against the back of the seat letting out a groan before opening my own door as well. 

Michael and I walk up to the front door of the palatial home before he knocks three times and I tap my foot nervously, staying close to Michael. He whispers sweet nothings in my ear before kissing the space behind my ear and my nerves start to calm. 

The door unlocks, swings open and Katherine Jackson stands in front of us. 

"Mother," Michael smiles, pulling her into a tight hug. 

"Michael," she smiles, closing her eyes as he keeps her in his embrace, "How are you?" she smiles, patting his cheek.

"I'm fantastic Mother," he smiles lovingly before looking down to me, "This is Emma, my girlfriend." he grins as my cheeks heat with embarrassment. 

"Emma, how lovely to meet you," Katherine smiles, pulling me into her warm embrace, "I'm so glad Michael is bringing a girl by. This is such a rare occasion." she smiles as Michael shifts on his feet. 

"Mother," he sighs, covering his face as I step back to stand beside him again. 

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Jackson," I nod politely as she swats the air. 

"Oh please, call me Katherine," she insists, taking my hand in hers, "And come inside, you don't need to stand around any longer," she winks as I look back to Michael while she pulls me inside. He shrugs, making a funny face as we step inside.

"I think she likes you," he leans down to whisper in my ear as we walk behind her, down a long hallway. 

"I hope so," I sigh, intertwining my fingers with his. 

"Michael, offer Emma a drink," Katherine scoffs, making me giggle, "I know I didn't raise you to be rude." she continues as Michael sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose. 

"Emma, what can I get you?" Michael enunciates loudly enough for Katherine to hear, making me smile widely. 

"Water is just fine, Michael," I wink as he rolls his eyes playfully. 

"I love you," he whispers against the shell of my ear before kissing my lips chastely as we finally reach the kitchen.

"Wow," I whisper to myself as I look around the massive kitchen. 

"Do you like it," Michael smirks as he opens the fridge.

"Yes," I smile shyly as he winks at me. 

"So, Emma, how did you two meet?" Katherine asks, sitting at the small round table just past the island. 

"Well, I used to work as a bartender and a waitress as this place in New York," I sigh, walking over to sit with her, "And Michael came in to hide from the press since that disguise he was wearing clearly wasn't working." I smirk, looking over at him rolling his eyes comically, "And the rest led us here, I guess." I shrug as my cheeks flush. Katherine smile, reaching across the table to pat my hand. 

"I'm glad he went into that restaurant," she smiles, looking over at Michael, "You two seem to be a good fit." 

"I'd like to think so too, Mother," Michael smiles lovingly between the both of us.

"And you were right about her being beautiful," Katherine winks at me as my lips part, "She is that and much more." she giggles as Michael's face goes beet red while she stands from her chair. 

"Mother," Michael groans, covering his face with his large hands.

"Is big nose blushing?" a gruff voice comes from the doorway of the kitchen. I look over and see Joseph Jackson standing there all pimped out, and not in the good way. 

"Hello Joseph," Michael says, clearing his throat as he stands straight to hide his nervousness. 

"Did this turn into a whore house while I was gone?" he scoffs, nodding at me as my jaw drops. 

"Joseph, that's enough!" Kathrine exclaims as Michael's jaw clenches. She walks over to the doorway, scolding him for his words as she shoos him out of the kitchen. 

"That piece of shit," Michael grits, staring out the doorway that Joseph was once in. 

"It's okay Michael," I sigh, rubbing the bridge of my nose. 

"I'm sorry," he sighs angrily, walking over to me. He squats in front of me, taking my hands in his, "He's an ass. Don't listen to him, he's got his hate for everyone." he mumbles, kissing my knuckles as I shake my head. 

"Nothing I'm not used to," I murmur, shifting my eyes away. 

"You shouldn't be used to this. It's not right," Michael says softly, looking up into my eyes. 

"I'm so sorry, Emma, he can be a bit tough sometimes," Katherine says timidly as she walks back into the kitchen. 

"It's alright Katherine, it's not your fault," I smile tightly as footsteps come barrelling down the stairs from somewhere around the house. 

"Mike!" a loud voice yells from a different room.

"Yeah, I'm in here!" he yells back, laughing at the person's eagerness. 

"MIKE!" Janet Jackson exclaims from the doorway of the kitchen. 

"Dunk you're so silly," Michael chuckles as he stands to greet her, "How are you?" he smiles as she pulls him into a tight embrace. 

"I'm alright, applehead, what about you?" she smirks, pulling away, "Not that I'd know, since you ever come around," she scoffs, slapping his arm before he can get the chance to respond. 

"Says you," he scoffs back mockingly, "I try and call you and don't get an answer for days." They both laugh as I notice their resemblance.

"Oh shut up superstar," she smiles, pushing him away, letting me into her line of view, "So this is the girl you can't shut up about." she smiles, looking back to Michael. 

"Janet," Michael groans with the same reaction he had to his mother. 

"No, really, every time I'm on the phone with you all you talk about is how much you love her and how beautiful you are." she nods, looking back and forth between us as we both go red with embarrassment. 

"You told your family about me," I smile teasingly, standing to walk over to him. 

"I had to tell somebody," he smiles, wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"Get a room!" Janet scoffs dramatically, covering her eyes as Michael kisses me softly. 

"Oh, young love," Katherine sighs as she pours four glasses of lemonade, "Something rare that is always forgotten." she mumbles, shaking her head and I know that it relates back to Joseph. 

That ignorant bastard. 

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