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This whole throwing up thing is getting old. I mean, it's happened almost everyday since that first morning that I thought it was food poisoning. As much as I'd like to pretend like I haven't a clue as to what is going on, I know better.

Michael holds my hair back as I groan and blow chunks into the toilet.

"Em, you should really go see someone," he sighs, rubbing my back, "Maybe you have some sort of stomach thing." he suggests as I shrug, leaning against him as we sit on the floor like we have every other morning this week.

"Michael, just a couple more days," I mumble tiredly, and knowingly, "I'm sure I'll be fine."

"You know what I think?" he sighs, scooping me into his arms and flushing the toilet with his foot before carrying me into the bedroom, "I think you need a day to just stay in and rest. I have a meeting in a couple of hours, but until then, you're all mine." he grins as I shake my head and he places me under the covers.

"Michael, I'm fine. Just a bit tired," I yawn, ironically, "I probably just have some sort of bug. No big deal." I murmur. Michael says something, but I don't hear it as I'm already drifting to sleep.


I start to wake when I feel a hand on my forehead, moving to stroke my cheek.

"Baby, I'm going to my meeting now," he says softly as my eyes flutter open. I look at him, crouched beside the bed, and he's wearing a really nice suit. I feel my wetness grow and smile as he places his lips to my forehead and strokes my face lovingly, "I'll be back soon, Em. I love you." he says, kissing my lips.

"I love you too," I mumble as he kisses me one last time.

"You better not get out of bed while I'm gone," he smirks, standing up. I look over him and bite my bottom lip, "Emma, don't start this." he chuckles.

"Michael," I whine, closing my eyes.

"No, not until you get better."

"So if I'm better when you get home..." I wink suggestively and he throws his head back in laughter.

"No! It doesn't work like that."

"We'll see," I mumble deviously, turning over onto my other side. Michael chuckles, walking to the door and turns to me when he reaches it.

"I love you."

"I love you too," I wink and he grins, walking out.

I lie in bed for a bit longer, making sure Michael is gone, before siting up to go take a quick shower and get dressed.

I throw my hair up into a messy bun, grab a pair of Michael's sunglasses and head out. I just need to go to the store, get what I need, and get out.

I take the truck to the nearest drug store, and walk in, on a mission. I make my way to the "sex" aisle and look over the pregnancy tests.

How do I know which one to get?

"Oh my god," I mumble to myself, not knowing what to do. I grab five of the one that is the most expensive, because that just makes sense, and I go checkout.

I speed home, reaching Neverland in no time, and I'm ready to confirm my thoughts. I walk in, reading the instructions as I walk up the stairs, and to the master bathroom.

Pee on a stick, wait five minutes. One red line is negative, and two blue lines is positive. Okay, you can do it.

I pace back and forth, waiting for the longest five minutes of my life, checking countless times, and the five minutes is up.

I breathe deeply, leaning against the counter, and lift up the first test.

Two blue lines.

I smile widely, picking up the next.

Two blue lines.

My heart rate picks up and my smile goes on for miles.

Two blue lines.

Two blue lines.

Two blue lines.

I squeal happily, jumping up and down by myself in the washroom. I can't wait until Michael gets home! This is going to be great!

I run out of the bathroom and take some rose petals from the bottom drawer of my dresser, and spread them all throughout the room. I light all of the candles before shutting off the lights and spraying vanilla body mist all over me before running to the washroom to shave everything.

I take my curls out, letting them fall around me, and lotion every part of my body before throwing on my silk robe with nothing underneath. I'm just about ready when I hear the front door open. I grab the pregnancy test and slip it into the pocket of my robe as Michael makes his way up the stairs. He walks in, and I jump into his arms, taking him by surprise. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him into a deep kiss as he supports my ass with his large hands.

"Babe," he laughs, still a bit stunned, "I thought I told you to stay in bed." he says, trying to be stern. I grin, holding his face in my hands and kissing him deeply. I pull away and he bites his lip, looking down at me as I unwrap my legs. I reach into my pocket and hold the test between us.

"What..." he furrows his brows before they shoot up, "A pregnancy test?" he whispers, slowly taking it in his hands. He reads the two blue lines before his eyes widen and he looks to me, a smile creeping onto his face, "You're pregnant?" he whispers in disbelief. I nod quickly and smile widely as tears brim in my eyes, "Oh Emma!" he exclaims, picking me up by the waist to spin me around.

"We're having a baby, Michael," I giggle before his lips come crashing down on mine and he carries me over to the bed to lay me down.

"I love you so much," he mumbles, kissing all over my face as I giggle, "I can't believe this." he says with the brightest smile I've ever seen on him, "We're having a baby!" he exclaims, looking down to my stomach to rub it softly.

Michael, we're having a baby," I repeat, placing my hand over his, "A mini us." I grin as he continues to rub my stomach in circles, "I love you." I smile, reaching up to touch his face. He stares into my eyes lovingly and softly presses his lips to mine.

"I love you both."

I can't believe that we're having a child together!

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