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Michael's POV

I continue to watch Lisa, shocked that she'd actually show up. She catches my stare, and I turn quickly, embarrassed that she saw me. Out of the corner of my eye I watch as she walks over to me.

"Michael?" she asks, as if she doesn't know it's me.

"Hey Lisa," I smile softly, "The last time I saw you was backstage at one of my concerts... I was seventeen." I recall and she smiles... almost lustfully?

"Yeah, and I was seven," she smiles, licking her lips.

"I can't believe you showed up," I smile, shaking away any possibility that she's trying to flirt with me on my wedding day.

"Did you not want me to come?" she smirks, and I shake my head, feeling a bit bad.

"No, it's not that. I know, I invited you, but I didn't really think you'd show up. I mean, we were only really close when you would show up at our concerts."

"Our?" she asks in confusion.

"My brothers and I," I say slowly, trying to make it clearer for her, and she starts to laugh.

"Oh, Michael," she snickers, "You're so funny. You think your bothers really mattered when you were up there?" she asks, as if I'm stupid, and I furrow my brows, "When you were on that stage, you were the only one that mattered."

"I don't know," I sigh, rocking back on my heels, as I try and avoid an argument.

"Well you should. You are much, much more talented than them," she says slowly, licking her lips again, as she tries at seduction. I step back a bit and notice what she's wearing. Provocative for a wedding, and she's not pulling it off. A short dress with a lot of cleavage. Someone like her, a rectangle figure, can't pull it off. Emma, definitely. She has the curves for it.

Who wears that kind of dress to a wedding anyways?

I look around, trying to find an excuse to get away, as she reaches out and slowly runs her hand down my arm, making me freeze in my place.

"Lisa, it's great to see you," I mumble pulling my arm away, "I'll talk to you later, I guess, but I have to make sure everything is running smoothly." I lie, stepping away.

"Just so you know, I'm here," she licks her lips again, "If things don't work out." she winks, and I squint my eyes, feeling my temper rise.

"Why would you even say that," I snap, and her face falls, "What makes you think this won't work out? Emma and I are very much in love and I doubt anything would ever break us up, and anyone would be crazy to think so." I spit and she blabbers, trying to come up with an explanation for herself, "I have to go. Nice seeing you," I gibe sarcastically and walk away.

I clear my mind of Lisa and turn my mind to the wedding and the fact that I'm about to be with the woman I love.

I get many more congratulations and hugs before everyone takes their seats and we wait for the wedding to start momentarily. I stand under the altar with all of my "best men" behind me, making inappropriate comments and snickering about God knows what.

I swallow nervously as the ceremony starts and the minister walks up on the altar to pat me on the back and wish me the best of luck. I smile at him before turning back to look down the aisle, and there's Emma.

I'm stunned. She's gorgeous.

Her dress falls behind her with her hair in a low bun, a few curls hanging loose. Diamond earrings dangle from her ears and she is wearing the lightest bit of makeup to enhance her beauty that is already perfect on it's own. She holds onto Joseph's arms and they slowly begin to walk down the aisle as the music plays.

Emma reaches the altar and Joseph helps her up the steps. Surprisingly, she kisses him on the cheek and they hug before Joseph reaches out to shake my hand. There is a hint of a smile on his lips, but he doesn't let it show.

Joseph takes his seat before Stephen quickly makes his way down the aisle, causing the guests to chuckle as he runs up the steps. He holds out the pillow and Emma takes one, slipping on it on her finger as I watch her in all of her beauty with a bright smile. I do the same to her and the minister let's us say our vows, leading with Emma.

"Michel Jackson," she begins with a sigh and the ladies in the audience sit on the edge of their seats, "if I hadn't met you that night at the bar, I don't know where I'd be. I'd be lost, honestly. You helped me find the path that I needed to take. I know that there have been some... a lot of rough times," she emphasizes, and the guests laugh, "but I know that we can get through anything together. You are the love of my life and I can't wait until we go on all of these adventures ahead of us. I can't wait to start a family with you and hopefully raise children of our own someday. I will always be here with you, through thick and thin, and I will never let you go. I love you so much Michael Joseph Jackson."

The crowd coos and gives sweet whispers as Emma leans into me, shyly, pressing her crimson cheek to my shoulder for a second.

"Mike is next!" Jermaine exclaims as my brothers hoot together, and I blush, looking down into her eyes.

"Emma," I breathe, "God, you said you'd be lost without me, but I'm the one who'd be lost without you. I would be depressed, probably without inspiration for music. You are my muse and my one true love. You put my mind at ease and let me relax so that I can sleep at night. you make me happy. In my world, the sun doesn't shine without you. I couldn't have built Neverland, without you. I want to have children with you, Emma. So badly. I want to raise them to be as fantastic as you. I love you, and I know that any problems that come our way can be fixed with our love. I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you Emma Renee Abella."

The crowd has the same reaction they id for Emma, and we look out to them to see most of the women crying. I look back to Emma who also has tears brimming in her eyes and I smile.

"I love you so much," she rasps as the minister steps forward to start talking about ever lasting love. I don't pay attention, as all of my focus is on Emma. I hold her face in my hands and wiper her tears with my thumbs, causing her to giggle.

"Do you, Emma Renee Abella, take Michael Joseph Jackson to be your lawfully wedded husband?" he asks as she stares deep into my eyes.

"I do," she smiles before the minister looks to me.

"Do you, Michael Joseph Jackson, take Emma Renee Abella to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"Yes," I nod, "I do... I really do." I grin and everyone in the audience lets out quiet laughs here and there.

"You may kiss the bride," the minister says confidently as I pick Emma up by her waist, bringing her eye level to me, and press my lips against hers. I slowly place her on the ground, still kissing her, and I hear clapping and cheers all around us.

"I love you... I love you so much." Emma says, tears running down her face as she wraps her arms around my neck to kiss me again.

"I love you," I state, pulling away, wiping her tears, and pulling her into a tight hug.

I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with this woman. 

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