𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦

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In the dark night, Electricity cackled from the Mr.Smoothy's sign as it went underground, entering the store from the cashier as a little battery-like alien hopped out of the cashier, money flying out of it as the little black battery alien shot electricity to the other cashier, laughing in it's squeaky voice as it shot everything in the store.

Young Jenny and Ben burst through the door as Stinkfly, Jenny's more femnine as they began to squirt slime at the small alien as it tried to dodge before it got stuck by one from Jenny, pinned to the wall.

"Man, you Megawhatts are annoying!" Ben exclaimed as they landed in front of the small megawhatt.

"No joke." Jenny agreed. Megawhatt struggled on the slime before breaking free as it giggled evilly as it shocked the smoothie vender it was stuck to as it sprayed the two young heroes with smoothies as they got pushed back by the pressure as beeping was heard as green and purple light illuminated the dark store as they changed back to normal.

"Ow, so annoying." Ben rubbed his head to feel the smoothie before the two bleghed as they saw the smoothie on them. "Smoothies? Who would want to drink something like that?"

"It looks weird too." Jenny cringed as the two got up.

Megawhatt laughed as it left the door as Ben picked up a empty Mr.Smoothies cup as him and Jenny ran after it. Ben jumped and trapped it in the cup as Jenny grinned.

"Nice catch, Ben!" Ben grinned.

"Fun's over. At least this time there's only one of you." He said before the cup started shaking as he let go as megawhatt got up and started sucking more electricity as they grew to more.

"You just had to say that, didn't you?" Jenny said as they watched as tons of them appeared before them.

"Oh, man." Ben complained.

"Great. And we don't have anything that can handle electricity." The young girl began to think before grinning.

"Yeah, we do!" Jenny exclaimed. "Feedback!"

"I almost forgot Feedback!" Ben exclaimed as the two activated their watch and slammed the face plate. As they changed into Feedback as Megawhatt laughed.

"Let's see you laugh without energy," Jenny grinned as the two began to suck the electricity from the hundreds of megawhatts as they soon fell asleep softly falling to the floor as the heroes high fived as the RV rolled in.

"Oh yeah! Nobody, I mean nobody makes a fool out of Ben and Jenny 10!" 

"It's a good thing Ben still needs his rubber sheets." Grandpa Max said as Gwen and him began to roll the sleeping megawhatts in the rubber sheets. "These should make for good insulation."

"Don't go there, Gwen." Ben warned as he stopped Gwen from saying anything about his rubber sheets as Jenny chuckled.


Ben and Jenny walked out of the elevators of HQ as they slurped on their individual smoothies and walked up to Grandpa Max and Rook.

"Sorry we're late." Ben said.

"You're not on your own schedules anymore, Ben, Jenny. You can't keep your partner waiting."

"We were..off saving the universe." Ben nervously smiled before Grandpa Max glanced at the Mr.Smoothies cup in their hands before Ben sighed as Grandpa Max left.

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