𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘛𝘸𝘰

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"Too small. Too small. Too small." Jenny repeatedly muttered, trying to breathe as she was trembling in her chains as they were floating who knew where in space. Ben suddenly shook awake having passed out.

"Aah!" Ben groaned, before noticing he was chained. "What? Where? How did I..?" He suddenly remembered how he got sent off from the planet."Right. That's how" He looked around groggily looking for his companion before noticing she was having a full-blown anxiety attack. "Jen? Jen!"

"H-huh?" Jenny looked up, looking terrified as she panted for air. "Is it just me or is it getting really, really hard to breathe."

"It's okay, I'm right here. We're not trapped– I mean we are. But not forever."

"We're going to suffocate out here." Jenny turned pale at the realization. "We're gonna die in space. Earth is gonna fall apart. The oxygen level is gonna drop– isn't it already dropping? What if it is? It can't hold us forever– "

"Jennifer!" Jenny fell silent, staring at him shocked at the mention of her full name from Ben who's never used her name, not in years. "We're going to make it. Now say it, we're going to make it."

"We're. . . We're going to make it."

"We're going to kick butt and get our home back."

"We're going to." She took a deep breath. "Kick butt and get our home back."

"Now tell me what you're going to do soon as we get back home?"

"Turn the oversized toad of an emperor and his kid into a frog risotto."

"Maybe dial the violence down a notch?"

"Bury them alive."

"Against hero protocols."

"okaay, Take over the empire and rub it in her sorry face and roast her dad over a fire making frog barbecue out of him."

"I don't know what your thing with cooking them alive is, but no."

"Then what option do I even have?"

"Arrest them?"

". . .That's too kind." Ben stared at her, questioning her morals for the first time in many years. He knew she was scary when tipped off, never knew how scary.

"Anyways." Ben changed the subject, turning back to their situation at hand. "Let's look at the bright side, at least it couldn't get any worse than this?" Right as he said it, a warning written in incurean appeared in front of them before the power shut off, the pod aimlessly floating around.

"Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, consider yourself so lucky my arms are chained or I'd be strangling you right about now."


"My friends, a month has passed since our Incursean protectors arrived here on Earth, quickly establishing a new era of order and tranquility." Will Harangue reported as the people watching T.V. watched worriedly. "They have ousted the Plumbers, a seditious ring of species, and taken possession of their hideout. And best of all, our benevolent leaders have banished the traitorous menaces that are Ben Tennyson and Jennifer Jane for good." He looked at the camera with a smug expression. "We all owe the Incurseans an immense— " He suddenly got cut off by a loud explosion in the background. "Er, uh, spontaneous display of fireworks!" he nervously laughed. "A tribute to our protectors. Yes!"

Using the explosion as a distraction, Kevin, Rook, Argit, Gwen and Blukic all ran inside a warehouse carrying weapons on their back before Gwen, with Blukic on her shoulder, stopped by the door to look back.

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