𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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"Ughhh, This patrol is such a yawnfest." Ben groaned, his words confusing Rook.

"There are festivals for yawning?" He asked.

"No, there isn't Rook," Jenny answered, taking another bite of the pudding she had snuck in her pocket before pausing, thinking over her words. "Wait. . . maybe. I've seen too much to the point anything is possible. Anyways, What Ben meant was a metaphor. Yawnfest means something in the lines of extremely boring."

"I see, thank you for this small lesson."

"No problem." Jenny dodged Ben's hand as he tried to take a little bite of her pudding. "Get your own, I hadn't had breakfast and this thing is the one thing keeping me from insanity."

"You always skip breakfast."

"Your point?" Ben sighed, dropping the topic knowing this argument would not go anywhere. He looked around before noticing the pad with a bunch of buttons, his curiosity overcoming as he clicked on one, setting off the honks, blinking the headlights, and activating the wipers.

"Would you please stop that?" Rook narrowed his eyes at Ben.

"Can't help it." Ben shrugged, before clicking on another button, this time pushing Rook's chair back before clicking another button fixing his chair back to the front. "When I'm bored I fiddle." Ben clicked a button that changed the truck into it's spaceship form, he pressed another to change it back before clicking on one that set off the boosters as Rook struggled to control the speed.

"It is a wonder you have not destroyed the Omnitrix with your fiddling." Rook cringed, hitting the breaks which led them into crashing into the wind shield, Jenny holding onto her seat to keep her from squishing the pudding.

"Actually he has," Jenny said. "Lost count how many."

"Perhaps we could pass the time more constructively with conversation." Rook suggested. "We have been partners for a while now, yet we barely know the first thing about one another, well at least, not me."

"What do you want to know: our favorite color, favorite food, hobbies?"

"Ben; Green, chili fries, collecting something called, 'Sumo Slammers.' Jenny; Purple, cinnamon pretzel bites, either going out to try different dishes or cooking new dishes. All obvious within meeting you."

The two looked impressed on how he remembered, before Ben sighed.

"Right." He then smiled, closing his eyes as he layed back on his chair. "You want more personal stuff: worst fear, first crush, distinctive body marks."

"Peacocks; Patty Berkenfeld, third grade; scar on your lower back in the shape of something called, "New Jersey."

"You didn't tell me you had a crush on Patty Berkenfeld ?!" Jenny exclaimed.

"Well, you didn't really like her back then. Of course I'd keep it shush."

"I thought you liked that other girl, Kaylee Jefferson."

"The one that literally pissed herself during music class? No way."

" But she was nice!"

"Jen, we're seriously not going to have an argument over who I liked back in like what? 3rd grade?"

"Fine, but we're gonna talk about it later. Patty of all people. You really had a weird taste in girls."

"Well I chose you didn't I?"

"That was an improvement, so don't dare compare me to the girl who literally was using the boy's bathroom thinking it was the girl's till 4th grade."

The Second Wielder | Ben TennysonWhere stories live. Discover now