𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘕𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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For some reason, Jenny, Rook and Ben were currently being hung upside together over a bunch of cats in a warehouse.

"Cat's out of the bag, Tennyson, Jane!" A villainess with black-purple hair in the style of a long ponytail with a pink bow that resembles cat ears, with purple markings as whiskers sporting a white and light purple dress with pink tights and purple sneakers complete with a cat paw-like gloves, laughed, holding up one of the hypnotizing cats. "Thanks to my meow-meow militia, Bellwood Is about to rub up on it's new master── Nyancy-chan!" She laughed, walking away.

"God, that was cringy on so many levels." Jenny shivered. "And you had to bring adorable little kitties into this?"

"Which one is she again?" Ben asked.

"The woman who controls cats." Rook answered.

"Right. Cat lady." Ben nodded. "Isn't that just a little gimmicky?"

"On the contrary, I find her strangely compelling."

"Okay, let's do this." Ben declared. "Better hope they don't have squirt bottles in the null void, Nyancy!" Rook released his arm, cutting them all free as they landed on their feet.

"Because you have been a bad kitty."

"Please, never say that." Jenny cringed.

"Cry havoc!" Nyancy shouted. "And let slip the cats of war!"

"This is 6th grade all over again." Jenny whined. "Clearly you didn't grow out of that phase."

"You pick, Rook. The lady or the tigers." Rook nodded as he went for Nyancy, jumping over the tigers as he tackled her down.

"Meow!" She exclaimed before looking back at Rook, batting her eyes as she hypnotized him. "You don't really want to arrest me, do you?"

"I do not want to arrest you."

"Huh, I won't even need my heavy hitters." Ben grinned, slamming down on his watch. "Just my big eater." He, as upchuck began gobbling up all the tigers as Jenny was having a hard time watching him, grasping her hand over her mouth in hopes she doesn't end up vomiting from all the things she really didn't want to witness today. She was nearly successful before she saw Ben vomit out the tigers as she ran for a nearest empty box to release her own fill.

"This is the stupidest mission we have had since that protester freak." Jenny groaned, cleaning her mouth off with a handkerchief she keeps on her, tying her hair up to a bun.

"You'll help me escape, meow-meow." Nyancy ordered. "But first, Beat Ben Tennyson and Jenny Jane to a pulp!"

"I am. . . not nearly as hypnotized as that." Rook deadpanned.

"What?! But I control cats!"

"Yes, and I am cat-like. But, no." Rook stood up, looking down on Nyancy who crossed her arms and frowned.

"Well, fiddlesticks!"


Nyancy was getting escorted by the plumbers.

"A galactic tribunal?" She questioned, staring at one of the escorts as they pushed her forward."Boy, you try to take over one city . . ."

"Keep moving." The plumber ordered.

"Are you okay, Ben?" Rook asked. "It cannot be wise to swallow tigers whole, even for a moment."

"Nah, when I'm upchuck, I eat punks like those for breakfast." Ben started to groan as Jenny, who managed to take her mind off of the whole eating tiger fiasco, leaned down, watching his eyes go green.

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