(Wings of Fire) Scavenger in the Rain/Happy Hatchday (Jambu X Scavenger/Reader)

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This is kind of a birthday present from me to myself and you (I'm releasing this on my birthday, but you can read it on yours). I've recently just finished the first 5 books of the WoF series, so I thought this might be a nice one to do instead of writing a one-shot with my OC.

Anyways, here it is!

I sat in the pouring rain, water droplets pitter-pattering against the lush green scenery of the rainforest. A dark hooded cloak hung on my body, but it wasn't keeping me dry; just very damp. I tucked my knees into my chest, I couldn't help but feel like staying under this mango tree was making me wetter than sitting in the wide open.

I softly hummed to myself. It had been lonely since this lengthy rainstorm flooded my bamboo hut. And so it had forced me to flee. Most of our tiny village had fled in the days before the storm, sensing how bad it would be. I, on the other hand, didn't think it would be that bad; as no rainstorms had ever lasted this long or been this heavy.

I leaned against the tree trunk, sighing as hummed. I was on a little island, surrounded by an inch deep foggy puddle. The earth around the tree trunk was higher than the rest of the earth nearby; apart from where the other fruit trees met the ground.

Water dripped from my a leaf to my hood onto my nose. I rubbed it away and shook my head to rid the hood of some water droplets.

And then the tree creaked, and the leaves shook, releasing a downpour of raindrops.

I looked up and saw nothing. No enormous bird, no RainWing. I stared up, puzzled, before looking back down after raindrops fell onto my face.

I felt a warm breeze on my back. Once, twice, three times.

I whipped my head around. I saw a raspberry pink RainWing head staring at me. He wrapped the rest of his body around the tree, his scales matching the bark. I could tell the gender difference by just looking at him.

I flinched in surprise and froze, scared of moving. Our tribe knew about their venom; we had seen the younger dragons practice, though we had never seen them hunt. The dragon just blinked at me, as if trying to figure out what I was. Blue rippled through his ruff.

I got to my feet, and he lifted his head. He made the rest of his body turn to the same raspberry pink colour as his head. He unfurled himself from the mango tree. The tree shook and a few mangoes fell from the tree, making water splash as it landed in the shallow lake that surrounded the tree. The pink dragon looked at the fallen fruit and then back to me.

I awkwardly smiled at the dragon, and he seemed to smile back. He reached his wing around and held it above me, sheltering me from the rain. He then sat down beside me and I pulled down my hood.

Maybe something good had come out of this rainstorm.


Jambu's POV

I walked towards into my treehouse, sunlight shining in around me. I saw Rainstorm, the scavenger I had found almost a year ago. He/She is/They are my pet scavenger, like how my sister, Glory, has Silver, her pet sloth.

He/She was/They were drawing on some bark, as he/she/they often did. I looked over his/her/their shoulder. He/She/they were drawing some sort of celebration, with decorated boxes, falling petals, a tiered cake and a strip of hanging paper with squiggles written on it.

His/Her/Their hatching day celebration! I realised. We held similar celebrations to what Rainstorm had drawn for our friends.

I lay down beside him/her/them. Blue and indigo speckles covered my body, letting Rainstorm know I was curious and proud about what he/she was/they were telling me.

I touched him/her/them with my snout and looked to the paper. He/She/They followed my gaze and spoke in a soft, explanatory tone; as if he/she/they missed this celebration. Of course, I can't understand her, but by her tone and how he/she was/they were pointing to different things on the paper, It sounded like he/she/they enjoyed this scavenger ritual, and that his/hers/theirs may be soon.

I nuzzled his/her/their cheek and he/she/they put his/her/their paw on my jaw, nuzzling back.


It had been a few days since I saw Rainstorm's drawing. Me, Queen Glory and a few other dragons have prepared a little celebration for him/her/them.

I flew up to my treehouse. He/She/They were putting on the cloth he/she/they wore. After he/she/they looked at me. He/She/They said something in a questioning tone.

I lifted my talon and waved it towards me. "Come," I said, holding my talon out for him/her/them. He/She/They walked over and sat in my hand. I raised it up onto my back and he/she/they moved into the gap between my wings and shoulders. Rainstorm gripped onto the strap that held my blowgun.

I left my treehouse, taking off gently and fly towards where the other RainWings were.

I landed gently beside them. It was in a clearing near where I had met Rainstorm. The exact mango tree was only a few dragons-lengths away. I stood by my sister, Queen Glory. She looked at Rainstorm with a smile and looked to Silver, her let sloth who looked semi-asleep in the crook of Glories neck.

In front of us was a small spread, a multi-tiered cake covered with fruit; some smaller cakes the size of apples; and a dragon fruit with its flesh carved to look like Rainstorm all stood on a low table, though I think Rainstorm may need some help to sit at it. There were flower petals and flowers decorating the table, releasing a sweet scent that would make anyone happy.

I lowered my wing and Rainstorm slid off. I'm sure if he/she/they were a RainWing, he'd/she'd/they'd be completely pink with happiness. My raspberry scales paled as I turned the colour of happiness—seeing him/her/them happy made me happy.

He/She/They walked over towards the table and looked back at me. He/She/They chattered happily and ran up to me, hugging my forearm, and said something in a grateful tone. I nuzzled him/her/them.

"You're welcome," I said. "But we all played a part," I spread my wings, gesturing to all the dragons here; Queen Glory, Kinkajou, Tamarin, Mangrove and Orchid. "Glory—I mean Queen Glory arranged all of this; Kinkajou and Tamarin gathered flower petals to scatter on the table; and Mangrove and Orchid collected the fruit," I said, though I'm sure Rainstorm can't understand me. Silver chirruped, as if to say, "Don't forget me!"

Rainstorm said the same grateful thing to the rest of the group. I gestured to the table. "Shall we?" I asked the others. We moved over and sat by the table, Rainstorm sat beside me. "Happy Hatching Day, Rainstorm," I said, nuzzling him/her/them.

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