(Reign of Fire) Lone Survivor (Dragoness & Hatchling X Human Reader)

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This is for Azureman136 who requested I do a Reign of Fire one-shot. Here it is!

Hope it's ok.


Warning: swearing ahead.

I scanned the surrounding area, dressed in my dark fireproof vest, jacket and trousers, carrying my sniper rifle while I looked at to the bright sunny sky. As always, we looked to the sky, looking out for the fowl beasts of the sky, the ones who took everything from us.


They first started attacking two years ago. I, like many others, lost my parents and younger brother to them, along with the rest of my family. And I've been hiding with our small band of survivors ever since.

Today we were harvesting our food. It was wheat, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes and some other vegetables like carrots and cabbages. They were easy to grow and didn't take long to germinate so we could keep planting them.

Beside me stood Kyle, a blonde stubble bearded, freckle douchebag who thinks he's God's gift to our burned, apocalyptic society. He was always trying to talk to me, trying to act smooth... It was torture. Sometimes I imagine tossing him at a dragon when it next attacked. Though our leader wouldn't allow it... But accidents can happen.

I can imagine these things all I want, but they'll probably never come through. I smirk to myself as I thought of ditching him to an angry, blazing dragon after getting lost in a cave--that was one of my favourite scenarios to imagine.

But then something caught my eye. It rolled into my view. I looked towards it. It was rugby-ball shaped and semi-transparent with a yellow hue. I walked closer to it, scanning the surrounding area. I hunched down beside the ball-shaped thing, examining it. It was about a foot long and was wider on one end than the rest.

An egg? I thought to myself in surprise. A bit off, I could see a small cave entrance. I picked up the egg and held it to the sun, seeing the silhouette of a curled up dragon inside.

A dragon egg.

I placed the egg back on the ground gently. I heard a low rumble come from inside the cave, almost like a dragon's growl. I heard Kyle shout my name, though it sounded more like a squeak. I stood up slowly, picking up the eg and rolled it back towards the cave mouth like a bowling ball. Just not as hard. I slowly walked away from the cave and climbed back up to Kyle.

"I'm here!" I called back, holding my rifle in hand.

"You find something?" He asked, jogging over to me. I muttered to myself.

"No," I responded and looked to the sky again.

When we wake, keep both eyes on the sky. When we sleep, keep one eye on the sky. When we see him, dig hard, dig deep, run for shelter and never look back.

I glanced back over to the cave. I saw a scaled wing creep out of the yawning cave mouth and take the egg back under the wing, rolling it on the ground under its boney wing finger. Kyle looked in the direction I was looking.

"You found an egg and didn't take it!" He accused in a hushed tone, arms held wide.

"It was innocent!" I retorted in just as quiet of a tone.

Kyle scowled and went to run for the cave, his own rifle in hand. I pushed him back.

"Don't!" I scowled. "It hasn't attacked yet! If you attack, it will not only kill you, but it will kill all of us." Kyle looked away, as if he was thinking--that was a first. "Just leave it and be on high alert, in case it does attack." Kyle sighed and nodded, turning back towards our crops. I followed suit.

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