Requests (Closed)

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Closed currently so i can get through some requests, class work and personal writing. I'll reopen things asap. just for now i'm busyyyy

Things to note before you even type on this page/if you are going to request:

1) BE POLITE when you request
2) read the CHAPTER TITLE carefully
3) read the RULES below. Otherwise expect  no response at all (and tell me your favourite anything; food, series, plushy whatever, just as proof you've read this whole page)
4) try have a plot idea in mind (reason given below)


BE POLITE. I cant stress it enough how much politeness will keep you on my good side. Be patient and have manners. Life happens and this is my book and work. Be kind and I'll definitely take another request from you in future. Forget your manners and you can forget about me doing your request

Please don't request stuff with your OCs, it's too stressful. Stuff like that is meant for commissions.

No lemon requests taken. No ifs, ands or buts. Any lemons in this are of my own enjoyment. this is an option for my commissions tho.

Apparently I have to add this disclaimer: I MAY NOT FOLLOW YOUR REQUEST EXACTLY. I will interpret your request how I see fit/how it'll work best. If you were paying me it would be different and I'd follow it exactly. I will do my best to inform you if I change things as I write it, but sometimes the changes occur subtly or the request gets misinterpreted (due to how i envision things, my style and/or to better adapt to the end goal you want). The best way to avoid a changed idea is to give me  an in-depth idea of what you want. so please know what you want before you request. For example, don't say: I want a one shot where a dragon reader meets another dragon in a cave and by the end they fall in love. Instead I need something more like: A one shot where an inexperienced dragon gets caught in a big storm and is forced into a cave deep in a mountain, where another, much older dragon, already lives. the storm lasts several days/weeks, forcing the dragons to get closer and fall in love. this way I'm better able to live up to your expectations. if you give  a vague answer I will NOT pull teeth trying to interpret what you want. I may ask questions to better pin down a detailed example (how big is the love interest? masc, fem or nb Love interest and/or reader? any particular moments you'd like?). I do want to provide my best work for you (requester) and make you satisfied (and better hopefully) but I can only do so if you meet me at some distance.

I will do one-shots based on these fandoms and these fandoms alone: How to Train Your Dragon (movies and books only - have not seen the shows), Wings of Fire, DragonHeart, Spyro, The Dragon Prince, Zelda (tho I've only started BoTW so far) and Inheritance Cycle so if you want me to do some stuff with those series let me know. ANY OTHER FANDOM-RELATED REQUESTS WILL BE TAKEN IF ENOUGH NOTES/DETAILS ARE OFFERED

Queer and gender-neutral requests are taken!

I do have another One-Shot book for other fantasy creatures so please check that out. It's called Random One-Shots. This book is specifically for dragons.

Remember to let me know your favourite (anything)

If you would like to reach out privately, I want to offer my discord: 


(I'm hoping thats it i really dont understand discord 😭)

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