A Princely Predicament (Male Human x Dragon/Reader)

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For RoseLupaTW. Here it is! 

F/C = Favourite colour

* = means (my) father

I hated humans. I just hated them. You could hide your quiet, solitary self, high in a mountain, away from all the drama of the world and somehow one would still scurry its way up to jab at you with its tiny metal handheld spike.

And the worst ones were the ones that dreamt of greatness and glory, and killing a great dragon such as myself seemed to be the most popular way of doing it. Obviously, none of them had succeeded.

So, when this visitor arrived, let's just say I almost bit his head off before he had even spoken. But I'm glad I didn't; I got some fine treasure out of it.

"You want me to do what?" I spat, peering down at the king who stood in front of me.

He held his pale face calmly, staying stoic and proud. "To kidnap Prince Lansa and keep him here until I send someone to fetch him," King Darius said. He and King Alo were rivals. And from what I understood, Darius was desperate for an alliance. But he hated doing things civilly, so he figured that this way was the most convenient way.

"And what's in it for me?" I hissed, flicking out my tongue.

Darius smirked, scratching his black beard. "Why, treasure of course." He threw his hand back to a knight stood at the mouth of my cave. He led forward a horse-drawn carriage, piled up with gems and gold. The treasure caught the morning light beautifully.

A grin caught my face. So much treasure for babysitting a prince? I almost laughed at the thought.

"And there'll be more when you capture the prince, and much more will be given once I send someone to pick him up—for the inconvenience." He grinned. A few of his knights glanced at each other. "So, do we have a deal, (Y/N)?"

I looked up, focusing on the sky outside. The dripping of water from the man-made pond in the other room filled the silence. Darius stayed completely still and silent. "Very well," I said finally. "We have a deal."

He offered his hand to shake. I offered him a claw and shook it. "I look forward to working with you, Darius."


"Let go of me! You foul beast!" Prince Lansa yelled. He wriggled in my front talons, punching my claws.

I chuckled and flew higher. "I'm not going to do that, Princess. You're much too valuable to let drop."

Lansa groaned, irritated. "I am not a princess. I am a prince."

I snorted amusingly. "I'm well aware, Lansa." I looked ahead at the twinkling stars and the spire that pierced the clouds. The spire that was my home. I flapped my wings harder, putting on a burst of speed.

"What do you want me for?" he demanded, hitting my claws again. I felt something tickle my digits.

I chuckled. "Magic will not free you, Princess."

Lansa scoffed and held himself still. "Well, what are you going to do with me?"

I smirked. "Eat you, of course. After a good game of cat and mouse, or rather, dragon and human."

He flinched in my hold and looked down. "Wonderful," he murmured.

I soared towards my cave, seeing its opening and landing just in front of it, by the smooth, round pillars, holding my wings out for balance as I teetered on my rear legs. I placed Lansa on the ground.

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