Happy Times (Ermun X girl/reader)

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Dhardin303 requested this. I hope you like this!

I walked through the forest, a fine cut of meat in my pack, wrapped in cloth.

I trudged through the soggy moss and mud, wishing I wore my hiking boots today, not my everyday ones.

I grunt at the sight of my boots.

"Great" I mutter.

I sit on a nearby rock and take off my bow, which was slung on my shoulder.

I sigh at my boots and check my pack, and look at the tightly wrapped meat.

I look up at the branches above me.

I wonder how Ermun is doing. I think to myself. I look once more at my boots. I need to stop grimacing about my boots to answer that.

I was about to stand up when I heard something walk up behind me.

It nudged my pack.

"What did you bring me this time?" He asked.

"A fine cut of beef this time, Ermun" I say, stroking his head. I pull the meat from my pack. "You're lucky my mother's family are hunters and my father is a butcher" I comment as I hand over the meat.

He seemed to shrug and then dug his sharp canines in to the meat.

He threw back his head as he finished it off.

"Thank you" he muttered, and then licked his stained lips.

"You're welcome" I say in return. "But I can't keep doing this"

"Fine," he sighed, "don't. Besides I can hunt"

I roll my eyes and close my pack.

"Is there a stream near here?" I ask, looking in to his deep brown eyes.

He shook his neck, sending dust everywhere from his shedding scales.

"Yes, there is. Why do you ask?"

I look down at my boots. "I need to was these" I point down at them.

"Follow me" he said, brushing his white tail against my legs.

I stand up and pull my bow over my head and on to my shoulder.

I follow Ermun to a bright clearing. There was a thin waterfall that fell from an overhanging group of rocks about eight feet off the ground.
The water fell in to a small stream, about three foot wide and a foot deep.

I sat at the edge off the stream and took off my boots.

I took out my hard brush from the bottom of my bag.

I dipped my boot in to the stream and began to rub my brush against the side of the sole.

"How did you survive last night?" I ask, not taking my eyes off my boot.

"What do you mean?" Said Ermun, taking his mouth from the stream.

"The storm. It didn't harm you our your..?"

"Cave" he said. "No, I did hear the wind and the rain, but I hardly stirred." He looked at me.

I nod and continue to clean my boots.

Ermun sat beside me and watched me work.

Soon enough my boots were clean and dry. I sat on a rock and slid them on, only to look up and see dark clouds.

"Come back to mine" Ermun said, walking over to me.


"You won't make it back to your cave before the storm comes" he reasoned.

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