Lemon: My Chosen One (Zion X Male Dragon Shifter/reader)

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lica-lycan & UI_AsrielNebula wanted a continuation and so did I, so here they are again...

By the way, Zion is based off a character from 'CinderFrost' called Ciel. It's on e-hentai.org/lofi, it's still ongoing so *shrugs* if your interested, there it is.... (It's also on other websites btw)

And this is a test run thing for a Voltron Fanfic I'm planning on writing after I finish the TV series. I want to see if I'm able to 'train' myself into writing 'good' gay smut. And these are my test subjects. So let's see how it goes...


F/C: favourite colour/main scale colour
UB/C: underbelly colour


When I woke up the next morning, Zion was still asleep. I carefully lifted him off my shoulder; his white coat was so soft. When I woke up earlier that night I took the throw off the back of the couch and over us. This time I put it over Zion, keeping him warm after I got off the couch.

I edged off the couch and walked out of the room, being careful not to hit Zion with my tail. I wasn't too sure why I felt happier today, I just did.

I strolled in to the kitchen and began to make breakfast for myself.

I pulled down the lever on the toaster when I heard a yawn come from the living room's channel.

"Hey" said Zion with a stretch. He smacked his lips twice and sat down to the table.

I smiled to myself before turning around, a cup of coffee in my (F/C) hand. "Do you want some coffee?" I said, scanning his blonde, now with-a-case-of-bedhead hair.

Zion hesitated before answering. "Eh... If it's going, sure"

I smile and turn around, getting a mug from the press and put coffee from the coffee pot into it.

I put the mug on the table and slide the milk and sugar on to the it after.

Zion put I splash of milk in to the black coffee and took a sip.

"I had a bet you didn't take sugar" I say, putting it back in the press.

Zion chuckled. "Thanks.... For the compliment, I mean" he said with a blush-I wasn't too sure about that, because he was covered in fur, y'know?

I lifted up my mug to cover my smile and shrugged.

Innocent bean I thought to myself.

I dropped my mug and swallowed my smile.

Zion looked at me and took another sip of his coffee. "So, what are your plans for today? If you're busy I'll get out out of your hair....eh, scales I mean"

I let out a low chuckle. "Nah, I'm free 'til this evening. I'm in college at the moment, I play at discos as a DJ at the weekend n' stuff, to keep my head above water"

Zion nodded. "Then I'll be out from under your hooves... Claws by this evening." He stared down at the warm mug in his white, fur covered hands.

"How are you going to get home?" I asked, draining the last if my coffee.

Zion thought for a moment. "I'll figure it out"

Dragon One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora