A Hoarder of Books (Bibliophile Dragon X Teenage Elf)

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I found this picture almost a month ago but I didn't come up with this until a few days ago so heh. And it's a gender-neutral one for y'all. Enjoy! 

*= pronounced exting-wus

Male outfit:

(The character is Callum from The Dragon Prince in case you were wondering

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(The character is Callum from The Dragon Prince in case you were wondering. And it's a satchel instead of a sketchbook)

Female outfit:

(And this is Claudia, from the same show)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(And this is Claudia, from the same show)

And here's your cloak:

(Rayla, from the same show)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(Rayla, from the same show)

And please remember, you are an elf.


Here I am, wandering through the old abandoned ruins of a castle, the stale smell of cold stone and weeds filling the air. In my hand I hold a tall torch, it's flame aglow, lighting my way as I hear my footsteps echo through the empty expanse of stone. I hear water dripping in several directions and I hear the crackle of my burning torch, feeling its heat on my wrist as I hold it up. I put my hand on the strap on my satchel, digging my nails into it as I look around at the torn tapestries around the crumbling room. I take my hand off it and pull back the hood of my cloak, shaking off the raindrops that had stuck to it since the rain began to fall outside. I had been sketching in my sketchbook under a tree when it began to rain, so I pulled on my cloak and ran in the direction of these old ruins. Once inside, I realized that this rain wouldn't stop anytime soon, so I thought it best to explore the ruins. I had visited several times, I've even sketched the exterior a few times, every now and again forgetting something, like my stick of lead that I use for drawing or the torch I held in my hand.

I continued my way forward, staring at the remains of wearing mosaics and disintegrating frescos. Then I came to a fork in the room, one going left and downward, the other going right and upward. I raise a brow and look in both, illuminating one at a time as I looked into each of them, sending shadows if cobwebs and dirt into each passage. I take a step back and look behind me, the rain continued to fall heavily. I sigh. "Here goes nothin'," I mutter to myself, making my way towards the left passage, slowly descending the cold, slightly curved, stone steps, my footsteps echoing even louder now as and walk down, the flame of my torch faltering every time I fell a step. I kept going down, looking out for cobwebs and unstable steps as I went down. When I reached the end, there was an old wooden door in front of me. I took a breath and reached for the handle. I opened the door quickly. "Yaw!" I shout, expecting to find... I dunno what I expected to find. I shrug. As I was about to take a step, my torch went out. "No no no," I hiss quickly as the torch was quenched with some sort of breeze. I lower the torch down so that its flat side was just below my nose, filling it with the strong smell of smoke. I cough twice before clicking my fingers, making a small amber flame appear at the end of my forefinger, as if that of a match's flame, and place it near the tar at the top of the torch, setting it alight once more.

I sigh with relief and make my way through, the room was dark and not much wider than the door. Upon closer inspection, I realised that the arches that made the area feel like a tight corridor were arches that were comprised entirely of books. I kept the flame of the torch as far away from the leather-covered books as possible, hoping not to light the worn covers or pages of parchment on fire. The arched corridor began to curve, leading me to the warm glow of an opening. I quickened my pace, soon arriving in the warm glow of what seemed to be a huge library. I lowered the palm of my hand on to the flame of the torch, whispering the word "Extinguis*" extinguish and quenched the flame as I flattened the flame with my hand, not burning myself. I relax my arm holding the torch and with the other, I get a small bag from my satchel and hold it under the piece of willow wood and tar. "Collapus tel duss" collapse to dust I say, clicking my fingers, creating a small turquoise flame at the end of my forefinger. I move the flame nearer to the end of the torch, the willow caught and in the blink of an eye turned to dust, I shook my finger, snuffing out the flame. "Hovus," hover I say, making the silvery dust float in the air, I move my right hand, making the dust come together more like a flock of ravens before dusk. When the dust was tidier, I got the bag, still holding the hover spell, and moved it so that it collected all the dust, once that was done, I tightened the small bag and placed it in my satchel.

I make my way into the library, placing my feet carefully as to not hit any towers of books, which reached high above. I gape in awe at the size of the library, the ceiling must have been at least five storeys high, rounding in arches and domes. The bookshelves were as tall as any two-storey house, with a balcony above the ones on the ground, giving the library a second level. I could make out one large rose window, at least six meters in diameter, and in front of it was, what I thought, a statue of a red dragon with its tail wrapped around a book, and reading it. There seemed to be a sea of pillars of books on the floor, reaching up, some even taller than the statue. I make my way to the shelves on my left--the nearest ones, and run my hand along the edges of the books, liking their bumpy feel under my fingers. When I turn around, I realise that there are pathways around the library amount the pillars, all of them leading back to the statue in the middle of the room. I make my way towards the statue, taking off my cloak and hanging it on one of the smaller towers. I move in the direction away from the rose window, to see what the books across from it are like, briefly looking that the dragon--it just looked so lifelike. I walk down towards the high bookshelves, most of their covers look fades from having been in the light for so long, but some still look fresh, in the perfect shape of the dragon's shadow.

Welcome, a strong masculine voice boomed in my head, stopping me in my tracks. I have wanted to share this place with someone for a long time, I am glad you have come here, he continued. I turn around.

"Who are you?" I call out, my voice echoing around me. I saw the statue's eyes glow bright and the dragon unfurled itself from its position, getting off its perch of an unstable looking tower of books, it then made its way towards me like a snake, slithering near me, its head low.

I am Qazes, the hoarder of books, the voice said, the dragon raised its head and blinked at me with glowing amber eyes. Who are you, hatchling? he asked, sniffing my outfit. I came to terms that the dragon and the voice were the same people.

"I'm (Y/N)," I say, looking up at the red dragon.

Feel free to read what you wish, just don't damage it and put it back when you're done, Qazes said, gesturing to the walls with his wings. I smile.

"Thank you," I say, I walk around him, passing his tail, which still had the book in it.


I made my way up the stairs up into the ground level room that I had entered a few hours ago. I had two new books in my satchel, in exchange I gave Qazes my old sketchbook, so he could look through my drawings; he said he hadn't seen the outside world for years, so I gave him the full sketchbook, and, in turn, I got these old books on magic, so long as I return them soon. I pull the hood of my cloak up over my head, the rain outside wasn't as heavy as before, so I reckoned it was time to go home. I took in a breath before sprinting in the direction of my home.

You guys have no idea how much I would want this to be real. None whatsoever. (Books are my life! And so are dragons!)

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