(Spyro Reignited Trilogy) Wyrmhole (Bubba X Reader)

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I'm going to apologize in advance because I'm not sure of what the gender-neutral version of guy and girl is. If anyone could tell me below I will change it as soon as I can.
Anyways. This was requested by Tricogirl69
Hope this is ok.


F/T = Favourite Takeaway (food) (pizza, Chinese, Indian, etc.)


"(Y/N), um could we talk?" Rodger asked nervously.

"Sure, what is it, Rodger?" I reply. He was a good-looking guy, why would he talk to the shy guy/girl/person in the back of the class.

"So, um, as you know prom is next week and um...," he took in a breath. "I was wondering whether you'd like to be my date?" He asked. Rodger was one of the most easy-going, confident guys in my year. It was odd seeing him like this.


My nerves got the best of me. "I'm sorry Rodger, but I can't..." I found my body walking away without meaning to.

His face dropped completely. "Oh... I get it." I felt awful. I went to apologise, but my older brother Sam honked his car horn. I slowly walked away feeling awful.


"C'mere Gizmo!" I called, putting her dog food in her bowl. The German shepherd came bounding around the corner of our home. As I emptied the can of wet dog food. She ate it with the most awful of sloppy noises. I tossed the can into the recycling bin and looked at the woods in front of me.

The scene kept playing in my head. All I could see was Rodger's face dropping with disappointment. I really felt awful for turning him down. I just don't like crowds and the thought of being near the boy I liked in the middle of a dancefloor, it made my palms sweaty and my breathing uneven.

I focused on the wavering branches of the trees to calm myself down. I relaxed a little, breathing calmly. The forest was pretty much in our backyard, with only a picket fence and gate between our lawn and the wall of trees.

Gizmo whined and looked up at me. I looked down at the dog. She was wagging her tail and looking at me longingly.

"Time for a walk, Gizzy?" The German shepherd bowed the lower half of her body, her black tail wagging wildly. I went inside, grabbing Gizmo's harness and lead. When I came back out she was jumping up and down in excitement.

"Sit," I commanded. She sat, tail still wagging hard. I put on her harness and attached her lead. I looked up at the trees again.

We were so lucky to live in one of the few houses with access to this forest, yet still live so near to our town. Then again, when your parents are a writer and an artist, and they're both as introverted as you are, it all fits into place.

I looked at Gizmo again, her tail still wagging as she waited patiently.

"All right, come," I said excitedly. I jogged toward the wood, Gizmo bound beside me. I stopped to open the gate and Gizmo hopped the fence, as she often did.

As I jogged on, I felt the grass beneath me give way to hard, coarse dirt. As soon as I passed the first few trees, I saw seven colourful lines of string, each one led I various directions through the wood, all leading back to the same starting point. My usual route was the yellow route, it was the one we all usually walked on with Gizmo. But I saw a new colour, a red string with a white string coiling around it—it looked like a string-made candy cane.

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