(DnD) Hungry for Freedom pt. 2 (Themberchaud)

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Requested by Azureman136. I'm sorry it took so long! I wanna thank RoseLupaTW for her help with it. DnD stands for Dummy and Dragons for me (I am the dummy). So I hope this suffices until I finish everything up for April and can post all/most of my current drafts. I tried to stick to the canon of the movie so I hope this suffices (warning its about 7k words).

Hope you all enjoy!!! 💖🐉


"You could've warned me about being needed!" I heaved and puffed as I attempted to open one of Themberchaud's shackles. The hinge was clogged with dead scales and rust, practically fused shut.

He huffed, flopping his tail on the ground. "It was a very last-minute decision! I didn't know what to do!"

I bit my cheek and shoved the toe of my boot in under the latch of the shackle and forcefully tried to turn the key. The key suddenly clicked into place and the joint separated, the iron falling off Themberchaud's wrist with a hefty clunk that rang through the open-aired lair.

I slumped against Themberchaud. "There we go," I sighed and thought about the endurance I'd need for the other three... and his collar. I groaned, face against his scales. "Well... I need a new cane now... and I have no money. All that's at home." I forced myself to stand and hobbled over to his rear leg.

Themberchaud watched me. "Oh... I didn't think of that. I... I'm sorry," he sniffled, and his voice strained, like a child getting in trouble for the first time, tragically mourning its parent's pride.

I turned to look at him and reached for his face, big round black opals set in topaz shone back at me. His eyes were too pretty. "No, no. It's okay... We'll figure it out somehow." Stroking my thumbs on his cheeks, I shushed softly to soothe him. "It's okay."

The corners of his mouth curled up a little. "Okay, (Y/N). If you say so," he nodded, gaining his confidence again.

I smiled and dipped my head. "Then let's work on this." I turned back towards his shackles. It was a struggle, but my technique seemed to work; jamming my toe between the metal and his scales and forcing the key to turn. The hardest was the collar on Themberchaud's neck. He kept laughing and flinching and shaking all over. I could never imagine someone being so ticklish, and his huge jiggly mass made it worse. I plopped down beside him, feeling my leg give out and burn.

"There. All done," I huffed and rested against him, hand on his muzzle.

Themberchaud hummed. "Does your leg hurt?"

I nodded. "I'll need to find a new cane soon. The floor here is... uneven." I took it all in. It was a huge crater in a hollowed-out mountain, moonlight illuminating it all... not that there was much. The greatest decoration was the stars high above. All we had was whatever gems Themberchaud had brought with him. And I presumed it would all be needed, like the chain he'd brought to fly. We were curled up in a nook of the stone wall. Outside was a sea of trees. We were south of the Evermoors, that much I knew.

Themberchaud hummed. "We could try fly to a town? I think I saw a few close by."

I shook my head. "I'll go alone. You need to stay safe. I'll... figure it out... somehow." I sighed and stared up at the sky. I'd not seen the sky much ever. Jack had snuck me out a few times during the winter to come see the stars from the docks...

Now everything was so different. I was out in the overworld... alone.

Themberchaud sighed and rested his head down, getting ready to snooze. I suppose I wasn't alone-alone, but he knew next to nothing about living. He had very few skills. None of which were useful. No could I imagine they'd be useful.

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