Seasoned Traveller (Human & Dragon Shifter/Reader)

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I want to give the biggest shoutout to RoseLupaTW for her continuous support and love this past year. You got me through bestie. Thank you!

Thank you all for being patient. I don't know if I'll open up requests soon or not. But I hope so.

I'm looking forward to trying to get things under control again. Hope you like it! It's been a while 🙏


We've waited decades for this day. I've been preparing since I had hatched in my family's cave almost a century and a half ago. My hatching had been a wondrous celebration as our number of surviving eggs dwindled. No matter how much we tried, we couldn't save them all. Some were fortunate, some were not, and every cold egg led to our entire tribe mourning for months.

Only one being could change that, and I had to keep them alive and help them get through the mass of dangers that all other scouts had faced and lost to.

This being lived in a most strange area. The ground was soft and flat here, layered with green "grass" and "bushes" and towering "trees". It was all so strange. I could see here no clouds or snow or smoke or rock, far below where I was from. When I first stalked this "house", it took me a while to get used to the lack of wind, the warmer climate and the amount of air.

But that was months ago. Food and air were plentiful. It would make an excellent reward for the tribe if we could get them down here. And the eggs! It was warmer down here. They'd survive far easier.

But there were the storms and wind and the adapting to the altitudes. None of us, from what I knew when I left, had survived it.

Other than me.

I looked at my bracelet, at the enchanted opal embedded in a silver disc. The bracelet was holding this bipedal, human-like form I had, with my wings and tail and some scales still on my body. It was enough to allow me to hunt while also being able to fit between trees and bushes and everything else in this enclosed forest. It made me claustrophobic.

Humans rarely came by, thankfully, which made my job a lot easier. I had to watch a cottage hidden away at the edge of the forest. What made my job hard was the person living in it wasn't doing so currently. Their house was being made up on the inside—or something—which meant they weren't living there now. And all the clattering and buzzing and everything else that came from the house was the doing of all the ones who came and went throughout the weeks.

So, I'd never seen nor met the human I was supposed to guide.

Until today.

They were short, waddling up to the cottage with a long-haired cat trailing behind them. They stopped by the picketed fence, looking at their cottage.

"Oh! Look at it, Snowy. Amy would be so pleased!" Their voice was tired and sad as they reached for a small piece of cloth to wipe their eyes. Their face was wrinkled and hair grey; they were experienced and had knowledge of the world.

The snow-white cat rubbed against their owner's leg and meowed up at them.

"Yes. I suppose you're right. Let's go check it out." They slowly opened the gate, the cat swiftly pacing by and up the flat stone path. They smiled softly and made their way up to the crimson door. "Home sweet home." Then they entered the house.

I stared for a long while, unsure how to process everything. It delighted me they were here, but at that age, humans tended to be fragile...

I shook my head and got out of my crouched stance. I needed to pay them a visit.

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