(Spyro Reignited Trilogy) Scarred (Nestor X Reader)

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This is for Tricogirl69!
Hope this is ok!

C/N = City Name

"And don't leave your room for the rest of the night!" My mother shouted, slamming the door behind her. She had caught me outside talking to my friend, Johnny, about how horrible she was and after slapping me multiple times across the face, she threw me into my bedroom and roared at me about all the stuff she does for me—90% of which she made up. Now she was punishing me, again.

Tears rolled down my face as she left; this was almost every night for me. She had taken my phone away... Well, the one she knew about. I have a spare one hidden in my drawer, which has Johnny and my dad's number on it and theirs only. There have been nights where one of them will talk all night to me, to keep me calm so I could sleep, but everyday I knew I'd wake to my alcoholic, drug-addicted, abusive mother. It's the reason my dad divorced her. He's been trying to get custody of me since but the court hearing isn't for another month though, and he divorced her over a year ago.

I waited until I could hear the TV blaring from the living from before grabbing my phone from my drawer. It was a black flip phone. I turned it on and flipped it open, seeing the plain light blue menu screen. I pressed the button to take me to my contacts, held the down button and randomly pressed the select button. After a moment I heard an electronic chirp and then the ringing sound started.

I snuffed and as soon as the ringing stopped. I forced myself to whisper, "It happened again. I can't do this anymore." My tears flowed again. "I wish I didn't have to live here anymore."

I feel my eyelids grow heavy. It was late, about two in the morning, and it had taken all my strength to not bawl my eyes out at my mother. I drift off as the moon shone in through my window, wishing me goodnight.


I felt my body being dragged across soft ground, grass tickling my back. I felt whatever was dragging me, tugging me by the leg of my trouser. I heard a puppy-like growl from whatever was dragging me, as it struggled to bring my weight with it..

Then it stopped. It dropped my leg and ran away.

"Nestor! Nestor!" Came a voice. It kind of reminded me of SpongeBob from when I was little.

"Yes, Spyro," said the person I presumed was Nestor. I heard 'Spyro' bounce like a puppy that wanted to play.

"Someone not from our world just arrived. He/She looks/They look tired and sore, he/she has/they have bruises on his/her/their body!"

I heard Nestor hum. "Take me to him/her/them."

I heard Spyro trot towards me along with a second set of footsteps. I felt my body get light as someone picked me up. The arms were large and muscular.

They placed me on a soft bed and the person who had been carrying me brushed aside my bangs/hair from my face.

"Spyro, bring Sparx here," said Nestor. "I'll watch him/her/them."

"Got it!" Said Spyro enthusiastically, I heard him bound off.

It was a few minutes before Spyro ran back to us. I could hear the fluttering of small wings, like those of a butterfly.

"Sparx," said Nestor. "Land on him/her/them and give him/her/them some strength."

I felt something small settle on my stomach and I felt a warm feeling tingle throughout my body. I felt more awake and refreshed. The insignificant creature that gave me strength fluttered off my stomach. I slowly opened my eyes.

I looked around; I was in a small wooden hut; it was a carpenter's workshop. Warm sunlight shone in through the hut door and through the windows. I could see sawdust floating in the air, though I couldn't smell any. Above me stood a tall anthropomorphic grass green dragon with a yellow underbelly and green jacket. Beside him was a smaller purple dragon with an amber underbelly. He stood on all fours. Hovering above the purple dragon was a blue, dimly glowing dragonfly. He looked tired.

I groaned and tried to sit up. The large green dragon went to help me up, but I flinched. He paused and left me alone. I looked down; I didn't mean to hurt his feelings.

"I am Nestor," the green dragon said, his hand on chest. "This is Spyro, and this is Sparx," he gestured to the dragon and dragonfly.

I waved shyly. "I-I'm (Y/N)," I said.

"How did you get here, (Y/N)?" Spyro asked.

Nestor turned his head to him. "Spyro, let him/her/them gather his/her/their surroundings," he said firmly but not unkindly. Not like my mother would have done.

I smiled. "It's ok." I looked at Spyro. "But I... Don't know how I got here," I said, looking down again.

"Spyro!" Called another dragon from outside of the hut and some distance away. "Its time for your flying lesson!"

"That's Boldar. I'll be back later. See you around, (Y/N)!" Spyro said, cantering off. Nestor and I watched him leave.

"So, tell me about your bruises, (Y/N)," Nestor said, sitting down on a chair beside me. The chair had the most beautiful engravings on its oak back and legs.

I took in a breath and somehow everything awful that my mum has done came spilling out of my mouth. I told him about almost every time she had either physically or emotionally abused me. I told him how much it hurt when she did either. Nestor listened to my story and comforted me when tears fell from my eyes. He stroked my back softly and handed me a tissue.

Nestor held me close. "I promise you, its almost over, you won't have to see her again." He kissed my head.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I sniffed.

"You'll see when you wake up."


A warm light shone on my face, warming my cheeks. The sheets beneath and over me were soft, as if they were freshly washed. I was cosy in this bed. Its mattress was soft, and the duvet was light., and the pillow was extra fluffy.

This wasn't my bed.

My eyes snapped open. I saw I was in a hotel room with a double bed beside me. I slowly got up. My vision was blurry and my eyes were puffy from crying in my sleep.

"Morning, my dear," came my dad's voice. He finished combing his hair and placed the comb on the counter beside him, where one of my gym bags of my belongings rested.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You're in (C/N)." That's over an hour's drive from my home!

My dad sat on my bed, looking regretful. "I couldn't listen to you being hurt anymore, so I called CPS. I have temporary custody of you. Your—" He cut himself off and drew in a deep breath. "She's sitting a jail cell, and I have a restraining order against her, on your behalf."

I looked down. I was free of her.

My dad sat closer to me, wrapping an arm around me. After a while, he asked; "So, who's Nestor?"

"What do you—?"

"You were talking in your sleep. One name you mentioned was Nestor."

I smiled to myself. "It's complicated."

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