Survivors (pt. 2)(Argarth X Human/Reader)

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This is for KaylaSeraYorth who requested a sequel for Survivors and so I did. I hope this is ok! The creature above is called a banther and its in the animated show I watch called The Dragon Prince so the idea isn't original.
Hope everyone is staying safe!


"And we've been running ever since," I said, finishing our story of how we ended up of the run. My heart felt heavy after telling the story. Elisabeth bit into a roll slowly. she sat beside Argarth tucked into herself. I held my roll in my hand, sitting across from Argarth and Elisabeth.

Argarth hummed sadly. "I'm sorry about the loss of your father. I'm sure he was a great man to have raised both of you so well." He looked from me to Elisabeth.

I smiled sadly. "Thank you," I said sombrely, trying to take another bite of my roll. I had lost my appetite since telling the story, and Elizabeth saw it.

"What about the time we were trying to wash Silver, and she ended up washing us instead?" She said cheerfully. This piqued Argarth's interest, and he looked at her. I giggled.

Argarth looked to me. "Care to tell this tale, (Y/N)?" he asked. And so I did.

Last summer we brought Silver to a shallow part of the river near where we lived. It had been a hot, dry summer and so she really  needed a bath. We led her to the spot, Father carried the huge metal bucket with soap shedings, I led Shadow and Elizabeth carried some of her brushes and sponges. Everything was going fine until I tried to lead her into the river, and she fought back. We got her into the river where the water was a few inches deep, but we needed her to move more, where water would be up to her shoulder. Father tried to push her from behind. Elizabeth and I tugged on her reins. She gave in, but we fell into the river, soaking our clothes. We laughed it off and got to work and cooling her down. After, we swam and played in the river until nightfall.

I told the story in much more detail when I told it to Argarth. He laughed. It was a deep, powerful laugh, like Father's. We laughed with him, and I got my appetite back. Once we had finished our breakfast, I went to check on Shadow while Elizabeth listened to Argarth story about a princess who fell in love with the dragon who kept guard of her tower. I walked down the dusty path to the base of the hill. I heard Silver whinny at me as I walked down the stone path. I smiled as she did so, after telling the river bath story it had put me in a pleasant mood. She came up to me, waving her head. I laughed and greeted her with a stroke on the nose.

"Hey girl," I said, pulling out some stale crust of the loaf from my pocket and giving it to her. She devoured the crust. I stroked her nose a few more times. Then Elizabeth came down; I heard her footsteps on the path, her boots crushing the loose stones and dust. She ran up to the mare, who nuzzled her cheek.

She giggled at the way her bristly whiskers touched her smooth skin. "Hey, that tickles!" She squealed. I laughed at her giggles; Elizabeth's laughs were contagious.

I felt my back grow cold. I looked back and saw Argarth's gold scales. Silver stood up straight. Her ears fell flat against her neck and her breathing sped up. She reared up on her hind legs. I grabbed her reins and tried to calm her.

"Easy girl. Easy." I tried to soothe. She stopped rearing up, but her ears and breathing still showed she feared the dragon. Argarth got closer to her while still held her reins, worried that she would try to bolt or rear up again. I saw his pupils flex repeatedly. Silver's breathing slowed down and her ears relaxed. Argarth stepped back and looked at her.

"I've never seen an equine up close before," he said, looking at her entirely.

I looked up at him. "What did you do to her?" I demanded.

"I told her I was not a threat, and that she did not have to fear me. That I am a friend and I only wish to look at her and enjoy her company," he said, looking at me before looking back to the mare.

We stayed with Argarth for the next few weeks so we could stay as far away from the plague as possible. I went into town once a week to get food for myself and Elizabeth. To fill in the time I'd teach her how to use a dagger as both to protect herself and to hunt with--though she wasn't keen on using it for either. I also went hunting for fish and small animals like ducks and rabbits, so Elizabeth and I stayed healthy. I also sold some meat to some butchers who would either pay me in other types of meat or in coin.

I was returning from town, Silver walked by my side. Fruit, vegetables, meat and bread filled her saddlebags. I held her reins as we walked, though I knew she'd stay by me, anyway. I had a dagger and hunting knife on my belt and I wore my cloak as usual. The cold nipped at my fingertips and my nose as the sun set slowly behind me. Barely any light reached below the canopy of the forest. Mud and moss squelched below my boots. Up ahead I saw the ogham stones that stood in front of Argarth's lair. I let go of Silver's reins for a second so I could yawn. I slouched forward and kept walking, forgetting about Silver's reins.

I barely noticed the rustle in the bushes, the rustle that sent Silver into a full gallop. I stood up straight in shock and spun around. My adrenaline took over and my tiredness was no more. I grabbed my dagger from my belt and held it back-handed in defence. In the bushes, I saw two yellow eyes shine back at me. I backed up slowly, and the creature came forward, into the somewhat better lighting. The creature was roughly 7 foot in height--standing on all fours--had black pelt, with a white diamond spot on its head. It had long whiskers on its snout and feline-like ears. It had the body of a bear, yet its feline-like features distinguished that it was not, in fact, a bear.

I gulped and ran towards Argarth's lair. "Argarth!" I yell. "Argarth!" I ran for what felt like minutes before hearing heavy wingbeats above me. I kept running, and then he landed before me. His head was raised high, his wings were spread and his teeth were bared. If I hadn't known him, I would've passed out with fear... not that I wasn't far from that. He snarled at the beast behind me. It growled, and he growled back. It whimpered and turned around, a long feline-like tail between its legs as it ran away.

I fell to my knees, my mouth agape. Argarth folded in his wings and closed his mouth. "What... was... that?" I forced myself to ask.

"A banther," Argarth replied. I nodded quietly. He looked at me. "Are you all right?" He asked, lowering his head down to me. I was still in shock after my run-in with the creature and Argarth's sudden appearance. I tucked my dagger away and forced myself to my feet, though my legs were like jelly. Argarth lay down beside me. "Climb on," He said. I walked over with heavy steps and climbed onto the spot on his back where his shoulders and neck met. He took off gently and flew to his lair. It relieved me to see Silver at the base of the hill, Elizabeth stood beside her. And damn, did I have a story to tell her.

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