(Wings of Fire) A Thorn in her Heart (Qibli & Thorn)

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Art by seawing-vibes on Tumblr

I've had this in my drafts for... about 3 years. And here it finally is... I will not explain why I like this so much. This takes place right after the flashback in book 10.


Qibli didn't like it. Something felt weird.

Everything felt weird.

He lashed his barbed tail, his feet on the cool carpeted floor as he scanned the pavilion. He padded around, his sail standing on end-more than usual. He could hear her talking to a friend, Six-Claws. Qibli couldn't risk forgetting a name and face, not after what she'd done for him.

Everything was simple, everything in a picture-perfect place-in a messy way. An organised mess, Qibli settled on. There were coins scattered on her desk, a messy bundle of blankets and pillows on her bed and papers pinned on a splintered board of wood.

It didn't look like a place for a future leader-if Qibli understood her plans from the hints she'd laid out. It seemed obvious enough...

Or was he being too nosy? Was it bad he was already planning it all out? The moonstone necklace she wore on her neck, the dragons' faces pinned on the board, her plans on fixing the Scorpion Den. Surely it was all connected?

Qibli looked at the faces; two NightWings, one SandWing. He's seen better days... Qibli mused, before staring long and hard at the NightWings. The SandWing made sense, everyone had an enemy in the Scorpion Den and most in the Den were SandWings; but why the NightWings? How did Thorn know them? No one knew much about them, yet she had two of them on wanted posters in her very home.

"Like the look of them?"

Qibli snapped his head up, jumping out of his scales. "N-No! Just curious. I didn't mean nothin'!"

Thorn smiled and lit the lantern by the door with a small flame from her lips. "You may as well study them, if you're going to help me." She stepped towards her desk, cleaning it up.

He'd expected more. A stern glare and a harsh scolding. All he got was a smile and wave of cinnamon. Snooping in Cobra's office was not permitted in the slightest. Qibli watched her, almost wanting something like that to happen. This was weird.

Thorn felt his eyes and looked at him. "What? More burning questions? Does your mind ever stop?" She laughed softly.

Qibli watched her face. Her eyes were warm and gentle, like the wool blanket he'd seen a SkyWing dragonet flaunting. Her mouth held a smile to match and a dimple on her cheek really pulled the whole "soft" face together. Something in his chest tightening and his ears dropped.

"Qibli?" she lowered herself to his eye level, her voice a gentle whisper.

He shook his head, backing up. What's wrong with me? What's happening to me?

Qibli didn't know why he was reacting this way. He didn't understand why she was being so... this way.

It felt forbidden... but it was right.

Thorn watched him for a moment, trying to figure out what was wrong. She wrapped her arms around him gently. "You're okay. You're safe now."


Qibli didn't know how long he'd be out. Not much came to mind about what had happened before he'd fallen asleep. He remembered warmth. Not dessert heat. This was internal. Cosy. Safe.

He wanted it again.

His mind was stuffy, like his skull was full of wool. His shoulders were light, he'd never known how tense they were. His mouth was dry and his eyes droopy. He wanted to fall back asleep. It was so cosy under this blanket and the pillow was so soft.

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