Travels (Zion X male dragon shifter/Reader)

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Saw this, had to write something. Saw this as an opportunity to just yeet it in here. ☺

We were walking through the forest, the sun was setting, heating our aching backs. We walked beside each other, a light pack was on Zion's back, while I carry mine by hand: the straps on my bulky forearm. We were both in our anthropomorphic form as we did so.

We had left my cave a few days previous, bring only the essentials. Zion didn't seem to be in a rush to leave Wyrmia, on the contrary, he wasn't even the one who felt it was best for him the return home, to his kingdom.

We stopped at a small clearing. "I think we should rest here tonight" I say, looking at Zion. He nodded back at me and dropped his pack on the ground, a soft thud came from it as it hit the soft ground.

"Thank Gods" he said, stretching his back. "I'm not made for all this  walking" his back cracked a few times as he raised his hands high above his head, stretching himself as much as possible.

I chuckle. "Well maybe you shouldn't have run from home" I saw, squatting on the ground.

Zion looked at me. "What's that supposed to mean?" he joked, making his way over to me. He sat beside and leaned his head on my shoulder. I smile and kiss his mane, the tips of it tickling my nostrils.


Zion lay beside me on the grass, looking up at the twinkling stars in the dark heavens above. He pointed to another constellation. "And that one's Leo" he said, lowering his arm back down to its earlier position under his head.

I smile at the fact that he knew so much about the stars and space. I turn yo him and ask, "How do you know so much about them? The stars I mean,"

Zion shrugged. "I studied a bit of astronomy, mainly the constellations. While my sisters chose topics like politics and magic, I chose astronomy... I don't think Father was very happy about it."

I look back at the stars. "I see," I heard Zion's head shift on the grass.

"What is it?" He asked, propping himself up on his elbows.

I shrug. "We're an odd duo," I state. "One of us is an equine, the other a laviathin. You had an amazing education, me, I had an average one." I look at him. "And," I sigh sadly, "we're not gonna be together much longer."

Zion sat up fully and swallowed hard. "Yeah... I know"

And only now I realized the reason he was taking his time to get back home; so we could be together longer. Zion got to his feet.  I tried to form a small smile and stood up after him. Without a word we began our way back to 'camp'. I walked right beside Zion. As we walked, I noticed his hoovebeats were uneven. I glanced at his feet: he was obviously limping.

"You're really aren't made for all this walking" I observe, looking back in the direction of our gear.

"Ha ha" Zion replied sarcastically.

I smirk and stop in front of him, my back to him. I bend at the knees and say, "Hop on." From looking over my shoulder I could see Zion was unsure how to respond. I snigger. "Does the short prince need a stool to get on the drake's back?" I tease.

Zion tuts and gets his arms around my neck, boosting himself onto my back. I take his thighs in my hands. I grin at what I've achieved and straighten up, boosting Zion into a better position on my back.

He settled his head on the curve of my neck and rested it there as I began to walk, but not towards our gear a mere few meters away: I walked towards the sound of water running. A slow moving stream, I find, is the source of the music.

I stood by the stream for a moment, enjoying the music. Zion groaned tiredly. "What are we doing?" He croaked.

"Sh," I soothe, "rest, and let me handle it" he relaxed his body once more. I started to walk parallel to the stream, holding Zion in place as I walked, hoping the stream soothe him to sleep.

And in no time, it did.


The next day we continued our journey to the border. Zion walked close to me. We didn't speak to each other, there didn't seem to be anything to say. A journey that should have taken us a few hours, dragged on for just over two days.

And that journey was only coming to an end quicker the closer we got to the border.

Within the hour we saw a wonky, rotting, wooden fence ahead. I raised an eyebrow.

Zion sighed sadly and said, "Well, this is it" he slipped his bag off and placed it on the ground, facing me. I turn go him also, glancing at the fence as I slipped off my own bag.

I force a smile and take his hands in mine. Zion slid them out of mine gently and kept his head low.

I swallowed a lump in my throat as his sift fingers slip away. He began to walk towards the fence, and, without consent, my own feet brought me towards it as well. From what I could see, Zion either didn't seem to notice, or he didn't seem to care, that I was still right beside him.

After both of us crossed the fence, which left me bewildered as to hole it held my weight, we walked on, slowly.

Then I stopped. I could smell magic, and lits of it. I shifted quickly to my four-pawed-drake form.

"(Y/N)?" Zion asked, turning around.

I move closer to him and curl my body around him, defensively. I smell a shift in the magic, as if someone was getting ready to use some.

'I don't like magic. No dragon does'

I see a werelight firm among the trees on my right. I focus on it and growl. The next thing I know is that there's a searing pain in my left side. The pain was unbearable. It was as if something had torn my left side open with a blunt sword. I fall unconscious. The last thing I heard was Zion call my name.

Yes the 'very much alive' writer is back! I really am sorry about the wait. I did thus last week in my copybook, came home—very pumped up to write it up and share it, might I add—only to find out my sister used up the last of the WiFi to research something for school.
Biggest FUCK! moment of my life.
Thank you so much for your patience and time! Also this 'Zion' series is dragging longer than I could've hoped... I've given it its own story. Please check it out! (Its titled Scales and Hooves [a new title is needed.])


Sorry about the wait and...
Thanks for Reading!

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