A Note From the Author

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Because this book of one-shots has gone further than I have ever hoped, I've decided to write this.

I'm gonna start off with a massive thank you to you, the reader, for without you, I would not be writing this. Now, storytime:

I first started this series because I couldn't find and dragon one-shots series' that didn't revolve around How to Train Your Dragon, Skyrim or Dragon Ball (Z, super, whatever it's called [and yes, I got serval of those when searched]) on Wattpad. So I said to myself (after a lot of frustrating hours of searching): Emma, why don't you start one yourself. So I did, starting with Ermun and Torch. I had only been writing on Wattpad for a month or so, and as you have seen in the Ermun and Torch X reader chapters, my writing style wasn't great.

I've tried to tie all the one-shots with continuations together so that you wouldn't get confused (whether I've achieved that or not, I'm not sure), but after Ermun and Torch everything is in the order I released it.

As you've probably seen by reading after the Ermun and Torch chapters, my writing style has, somewhat, gotten better. This series has helped me develop as a writer more than any book could and for that, I have you to thank. Just by reading this series you've helped to increase my read count, reaching over 18k reads at the time I wrote this. At this current time on the 7th of August 2019, I had started this series less than a year ago. Near Christmas, I had reached 5k reads, a number I hadn't hoped to reached until a few years of writing.

Because if your requests, reads, votes and time, you have helped me be the writer I am today, by helping me to not care about my past(which at the time was my current) writing style, but by helping me see what it could be like. Without your requests (no matter how detailed or vague they were) not much of this book would exist.

Now if you're wondering as to whether I'll ever edit the series, the answer is no. I want to go back over this book in the future, when I'm down about writing or if I have writer's block, and see how my writing style has changed from having a mere 434 words to having over 2700 in a chapter.

This book has been my most successful one-shots series and my most successful book to date. And it has given me confidence to know that I have a talent that others enjoy, to keep going with my writing and to start a completely new book based off one of these chapters. The story is called Scales and Hooves and it's based on the last four chapters of this series, so if you did enjoy those chapters, the book is there to read.

I also want to thank you for reading because you didn't have to.


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