Chapter 78

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"Sydney Elizabeth Rider!"

"No! You can't make me!"

"I can make you and I will!"

"How asshole!?"

"No sex... for a month!"

"You could never make it a month," I threaten, not backing down.

"Try me, let's find out," he says, his eyes narrowing. We are standing in the middle of the room continuing the fight that has been going on all morning. Matt wants me to come to dinner tonight with his parents and I refuse to come.

I huff and walk into the bathroom, slamming the door as I go and turning the shower on. I rip off Matt's shirt and throw it at the door just as the door opens. Matt catches it right in front of my face, staring at me with eyes big.

"Why won't you come to dinner!? My parents love you."

I roll my eyes and step into the shower. "Loved me," I bite back.

Matt takes his boxers off and gets into the shower, with him wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "Love you, just like I do babe."

"Matt please," I beg, trying to pull out of his arms. There is no way that my relationship with them isn't ruined. For a while Matt was all Nick had and because of me he nearly lost him too. That changes things. It is impossible to pretend it doesn't.

"No Sydney stop this, you're being ridiculous now. They invited you to dinner and you're coming." Matt's patience has officially snapped and he is no longer playing, but neither am I. I am not going and he can't actually make me.

"I'm not. End of story." I move under the water and even though my back is turned I know Matt is harshly running his hands through his hair trying to keep his temper in check. He does a pretty good job of it most of the time but I have seen him break enough to know this is about to get ugly.

"Not end of story Sydney, why won't you come!?" he yells finally, his hands balled up at his side. Most people would be scared of Matt when he gets like this but I know he won't hurt me so I have nothing to be scared of. Sure, maybe he will punch the wall or something, but I know with him I am not in any danger.

"Because!" I yell back, tired of this fight.

"Because why!?" he screams, throwing his hands up in the air. This would have been a better fight at the gym where he could hit things.

"Because they hate me almost as much as I hate me! The way you should hate me!" The room gets quiet, the only sound is the water hitting my back in the shower. I try to close my eyes to stop the tears but they are streaming down my face with no signs of stopping.

"Sydney," Matt says softly, trying to pull me into his arms.

I pull away whimpering like a scared puppy and Matt steps back giving me space. "I don't hate you. They don't hate you. And you shouldn't hate yourself. The only person you should hate is Seth, he is the only one to blame."

"You could have died all because you're dating me." I look at Matt's arm and my legs give out thinking about what could have happened. Thankfully Matt catches me and cradles me against his chest while I sob.

"I am ok baby. Please Sydney, calm down baby, we are safe. Everyone is safe." Matt stands up with me in his arms and steps out of the shower, setting me down to wrap a towel around his waist and around my body before picking me up again and carrying me to his bed. "Shhh it's ok baby, it's ok."

I am still crying so hard I literally can't breath as Matt tries to soothe me, gently rubbing my back and kissing me head. I get the tears to stop but I am still gasping for air as I pull back and look at Matt. My heart breaks when I notice the tears running down his face as well. "Don't cry," I plead, taking his face in my hands.

Fighting Handsome Satan (book 1) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن