Chapter 41

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"Deans are on the left, Riders are on the right side," Nick says as Matt and I run onto the RV and throw our stuff into the bunks on our respective sides.

"Kids, why don't you go sit in the back lounge and do your homework now so you don't have to worry about it Sunday. We will probably stop around 6ish for dinner, around the halfway point," my mom instructs; Matt and I don't need to be told twice. We run into the back lounge giving some half assed excuse about closing the door so we aren't distracted. The second the door is closed Matt is sweeping me up in his arms crashing his lips to mine.

"What class do you want to work on first?" Matt puts me down on the couch sitting down next to me and pulling out his computer.

"Hmmm, how about anatomy?" I suggest shutting his computer and throwing it to the side.

"We aren't ta-," he pauses what I just said finally registering, "Ohhhh someone is frisky today. Now that I like to hear." Matt pushes me back so I am laying on the couch and he is on top of me. I run my hands under his shirt letting my fingers follow the dips and curves of his abs. I have to say wrestling has really given him some great muscle definition. Don't even get me started on his back muscles, chef's kiss.

Before things can get too intense, knocking on the door cuts us off. "Do you two want snacks?" Celia asks sweetly through the door. Matt bangs his head against the wall annoyed his mom interrupted for snacks, but he gets up and opens the door anyways.

"Yes please momma," he says giving her a kiss on the cheek, causing her whole face to light up.

"Ok, Annie and I are getting a little snack platter ready, we will call you up front when it is ready." We both smile at her as she walks away, Matt quickly shutting the door as soon as she is gone.

"We are going to get no privacy this entire trip. God dammit." I frown a little as Matt comes over and pulls me up. I am now standing on the couch and he is standing in front of me neither of us saying anything just looking at the other. I lean in to kiss him just as we come to a short stop sending us both flying into each other.

"Ow!" I yell as our heads collide. "Shit my poor head is taking a beating today! First calc, then Madison, now this!"

"Awww my poor baby, how can I make it better," Matt coos, kissing my head as I give him the sad puppy eyes.

"Snackies would help."

"Oh I bet they would, but before snacks I want to give you something. Sit for a second," he instructs while grabbing his backpack and sitting next to me. I am confused, is this the thing he did? He said that was tomorrow though, so maybe this is the surprise he told me about before school started?

Matt places something black in my hands and I look at it then back at him. He nods at me to open the black ball in my hands so I do, realizing it is a shirt. More specifically it is his new wrestling shirt. It is almost the exact same as the old ones with the school name on the front and his last name on the back, the only difference is the C on the left arm. "Oh you got the new wrestling merch! You are going to look great with the C on your arm Captain," I tell him, leaning over to kiss his cheek before handing the shirt back.

"No, that one is yours. A bunch of the guys who have girlfriends always order two so she has one so I um," he looks down rubbing the back of his neck," I um ordered two too. One for you."

"Really?" I ask, shocked. They put in orders nearly two weeks ago, I remember because Matt was excited they were getting Nike joggers instead of the ugly sweatpants they got last year. "I can't wait to wear it, thank you Matt." Matt's face lights up as I fold it carefully tracing the C with my finger.

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